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Sucky Laptop


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Bear with me here folks.


I am running 32 bit LE on a relatively low end laptop. This my "on-the-road" computer.


ASUS X540SA, 1.60 GHz, 4 Gb Ram (3.41 Gb usable), Windows 10 Home, 64 bit


I have around 220 mods, but only 79 are currently active. The machine is relatively slow, with delays and half-second hiccups throughout the game play. Yes, I know this is not ideal. It is slow and annoying. My question is this: Would I benefit performance wise by switching to SE, or am I just pizzing up a rope here? My friend says I need a new laptop with a faster processor and more memory, which makes sense. But, my pocketbook says not only no, but hell no!


Are there any fixes other than replacing the machine and/or the game?



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Bear with me here folks.


I am running 32 bit LE on a relatively low end laptop. This my "on-the-road" computer.


ASUS X540SA, 1.60 GHz, 4 Gb Ram (3.41 Gb usable), Windows 10 Home, 64 bit


I have around 220 mods, but only 79 are currently active. The machine is relatively slow, with delays and half-second hiccups throughout the game play. Yes, I know this is not ideal. It is slow and annoying. My question is this: Would I benefit performance wise by switching to SE, or am I just pizzing up a rope here? My friend says I need a new laptop with a faster processor and more memory, which makes sense. But, my pocketbook says not only no, but hell no!


Are there any fixes other than replacing the machine and/or the game?


Oh wow, just looked up the laptop. A Pentium n3700, congrats for getting skyrim to run, but an I series processor is the minimum for sse.


For a few hundred quid you can get an i5 laptop with 8g ram that should be a lot better at running the original skyrim. But for sse a gaming laptop is a must, if your going portable.

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What they said!! I am using a homebuilt desktop, that's actually kinda old.. But lemme share my specs to give you a idea. I built this machine in 2012.


OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro - (10.0.18362) (installed in 2016) (Home edition is fine)

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Processor (x64) at 3300MHz (6 Core)

RAM: 4464/16357.7MB (27.29%) (i got 16gb but 8 is fine)(also due to age my RAM is DDR3 - upg in 2017)

GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (4 GB DDR5) (upg in 2017).


I get around 60FPS most of the time, of course there's occasional dips here and there. But it's pretty darn playable.



Oh yea, btw, running Skyrim SE, and i'm also only running about 75 mods, and nothing too heavy... Only one "graphics mod" - Blended Roads, to make the roads look better.

Edited by c0ax599
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Dunno if that laptop is upgradeable (some laptops have a soldered-on CPU) but getting more RAM and another, better GPU isn't worth it for the expense compared to result. Skyrim LE is okayish but 64-bits Skyrim SE will burn holes in that laptop and your RAM will want to migrate to that retirement home down Sunnyvale, California.


Better invest in somthing new, less laptop-like. For a large handful of Septims you can get an AMD Ryzen 5 CPU, mainboard, RAM and GPU without condemning yourself to homeless status and have a machine that can go a long way for gaming.

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Better invest in somthing new, less laptop-like. For a large handful of Septims you can get an AMD Ryzen 5 CPU, mainboard, RAM and GPU without condemning yourself to homeless status and have a machine that can go a long way for gaming.



^^^ what Jim said. Laptops are always compromising power for battery life, as that's their lifeblood. A desktop or tower is a much better way to go if you want a computer with "Vroom!" (ie, for gaming, or as a techie workstation)

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