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Ignore % armor doesn't do anything?


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So I've been testing. Reason is that the paralyze effect on the Iron Fists perk level 5 breaks your game. I replaced the paralyze effect with % ignore armor as per the Rifleman perk. Set it to 25% and went testing in game. Results? I do the same damage with and without the effect.


I tested on a Yao Guai with 350hp and 40 armor and base knuckles (@405 damage) The results is I do 134 damage. Somehow. Now adding or removing damage ignoring effects has no effect. With or without I do 134 damage on this hit. Although perhaps this also means the damage numbers in the pip boy are incorrect. The damage shows as 270 when I load the game, but when I re-equip the item is becomes 405 damage. At any rate. The "Mod Target Damage Resistance" special effect does absolutely nothing. Ugh.


This makes me wonder. Does the rifleman perk actually do anything with regards to ignoring armor? Do armor piercing effects on weapons actually do anything?

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Mod Target Damage Resistance, definitely works




Mod Target Damage Resistance


Value: 0.75 <-- 0.75 = 75% Damage Resistance, 25% Penetration 1.00 = 100% Damage Resistance: No Penetration, 0.00 = 100% Penetration, Attacks completely ignore damage resistance. Numbers that Exceed 1.0 increases the Damage Resistance of the Target.


Target Damage Resistance Condition = Applies to Total Damage Resistance, which includes perks and Armor Rating. having 0.00 in Mod target damage resistance, would completely make Armor, Power Armor and perks that increase Damage Resitance, Redundant for the Target.


Weapon Condition: WeapontypeUnnarmed <-- means only unnarmed attacks will ignore damage resistance. if this is left blank, then all weapons will ignore damage resistance, and likewise if this is defined then only the defined Weapon Type(s) will ignore damage resistance. <-- multiple weapon types can be defined.


Target: the enemy type whose Damage Resistance will be penetrated. Left Blank = all Enemies Damage Resistance will be penetrated by the defined value above. likewise Defined, means only the Defined enemy type will take more damage due to Penetration. Multiple Target Types can be defined



so the Values and Conditions i have Defined Above = Player's Unarmed Damage, ignores 25% of the Target's Damage Resistance. (since we did not defined an enemy type, this will work on every single Target)


so if you straight up copied the entire perk conditions for the rifle, then it would require you to have a rifle equipped to ignore 25% of the targets damage resistance (as only the WeaponTypeRifle would be Defined, and as such means unnarmed/melee weapons would not have the penetration, thus resulting in the illusion that the condition does not work.)


this condition as said definitely works, as i have used it myself many times in my own perk mod, and i can gurantee it is working as intended.


Yao Guai: 40 Armor Rating -25% Penetration = 30 armor rating, Providing you have set all the conditions correctly like i have written above, hit the Yao guai with the knuckles, then open console, and type Getav Damage Resistance, it should now show 30 armor rating. if it does then the Mod Target Damage Resistance has indeed worked.

Edited by G4M3W1NN3R
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Hi thanks for the in depth respond. I didn't completely copy the entries of the rifle. I set it to apply to the unarmed weapons.


Are you saying it reduces the damage resistance on hit? So the first hit will always do damage vs 40 damage resistance and the second one will do more damage because of 30 damage resistance? This would mean my test is wrong and also makes the whole armor piercing part useless for me as well as I rarely need to hit enemies twice to kill them.


I ended up removing the entry because I wanted to continue playing and added a bleeding effect to the attack. Which somehow is reduced by 50%. I thought bleeding damage was always ignoring defenses. Although maybe certain enemies have bleeding resistance. Or perhaps I used the wrong bleeding type. I tested it on the Yao Guai with 20 damage over 5 seconds which ended up doing 50 damage.


Perk (current with bleed)



Bleed effect:


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Are you saying it reduces the damage resistance on hit? So the first hit will always do damage vs 40 damage resistance and the second one will do more damage because of 30 damage resistance?




Yes and no, basically hitting them will apply the penetration (which should be classed as a Debuff due to the method used of lowering their damage resistance, as debuffs require contact)


So in the same hit, the game calculates damage resistance first, then penetration and that is when they take more damage, thus every single hit, including the first 1 will always apply the debuff and also do more damage to them, due to less damage resistance, caused by penetration on your weapons. however since the damage resistance is calculated first before penetration, the numbers you see will be from the non penetrated damage resistance. so you will not see the more damage stats wise, but you will definitely be doing more damage to the target every single time you hit them. and that is probably because the targets actual damage resistance before Penetration is a Hard Edit, where as penetration is a Soft Edit. so when the same target respawns it will now have its default Damage Resistance again until you hit them again. but rest assured you will definitely be doing more damage to them, even on the very first hit.


simply put, no it does not take 2 hits on the same target for them to take more damage, they will take more damage on the very first hit and every other hit. the damage numbers will not reflect this. but you will clearly see it is working. as the enemy will die much quicker.


now if this Perk was Applied to the Target via their Actor Record Entry and Instead of Mod Target Damage Resistance, you would use Mod Incoming Damage, then it will be instant and damage numbers you are referring to will be shown correctly . however in the grand scheme of things it largely does not matter, both methods will achieve the same goal, its just a matter of showing you incorrect numbers or not.


as for bleeding effect, i am not really sure, i have never used it or looked into it, but you are right, bleeding should completely ignore armor by default, atleast that is the case in any game that has that damage over time effect.

Edited by G4M3W1NN3R
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