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0066: I WAS JACK


Tentative linkage was formed between the TransOrb and the RingBase just before I was attacked. Two more big chambers had become fully active, available, in the TransOrb; so had smaller chambers, antechambers and hallways along with other useful spaces. The production of useful items had increased in variety, volume and speed.


Then I was in a special medical bed and was being carefully examined by medical people from the RingBase. I had no doubt at all that Jasmine, Jakeman and Jackoman had also been attacked in that very strange and yet familiar fashion. It had come from both 'outside and inside' of our curious form of existence, our many almost as one.


=-= The TransOrb is allowing you some protection but the attack is able to get to you through your intrinsic link with the attacker.


Somehow I knew what that was but found myself shying away from the truth; something very painful, very frightening, had happened in the past and the memories of that had been buried deep in a very deliberate manner. Flashes of memory came to me, too many of them and too fast, too hard. I grimaced. Had we caused the creation of Fallout Mars, the Wastelands and worse, the Doomlands? At least there were the Havenlands; they were supposed to be wonderful, fertile and secure like Mars was supposed to have become through Terraforming.


Moira stood next to Professor Brown and her sister, Tanya Brown, both of whom were comforting her. I smiled at Moira warmly, closed my eyes and fell deeply asleep.

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There is something quite unique about the smell of the Wastelands, in general, and particular parts of the Wastelands in particular. The DC Wastelands seemed to have its own range of smells, at least to me it did. It was the scent of grand, troubled and often murderous history. It was reflected in the great big strange statues that dotted Centropolis, also called DC-City. It was reflected in the great big complexes, clusters and other smart-materials built structures that still survived. Some were well used such as the DC-Citadel where the Brotherhood of Steel was situated and the 3DTower from which the famous 3Dog Station broadcast both 3Dradio and less 3DTV. Then there was the Grand River Jetties where RivetCity was situated, the GRJ being officially part of RivetCity.


The two of us stood at the edge of a Subway Station Entrance, close to a bank of vending-machines and one of those strange cylinder shaped coin operated shelters that many assumed had been some kind of sick joke. A big atomic motorized CityLiner was rumbling past, much repaired and altered with additions of armor and weapon turrets. Two such CityLiners passed, being called stagecoaches because of some supposed link with the Wild West of the Earth. The caravan, of two stagecoaches and four gunbuggies, was heading for RivetCity and proudly flew the banners of the DC Trade Travel Corporation, the DCTTC. The DCTTC was based in the large fortified settlement of Canterbury Commons.


The heavy plastic body-bag smelled awful but did not carry a heavy stink, thanks to our efforts. It had the dead zhoul and what was of the dead zetan thing. RivetCity was not far away but I could 'sense' growing danger. I spoke. "You know something has been following us for some fifteen minutes."


The clone supersoldier nodded. "I was about to speak of it, myself. I was not certain because I am still adjusting to Wastelands conditions."


I heard a distinct sound, something small but disturbingly out of place. That was one important trick of detecting danger; that was to detect something out of place, whether seeing, smelling or otherwise sensing it. Something was damned good at moving silently but I was damned good at detecting such. I gave a quick nod to my companion and he drew up his assault-rifle just as I did mine. We moved closer into the Subway Station Entrance structure, to where a bank of power-ramps ran down into the underground, vanishing from sight. The power-ramps were basically flattened out escalators, being easier to use with robots and small handcarts or prams or wheelchairs.


Something came darting up one of the power-ramps, a figure in chameleon armor that helped it blend into the background but not enough that time. The lightly power armored fighter aimed, and fired, a compact black weapon of a kind previously unseen by me. Pulses of energy spat from it and I barely dropped back in time to avoid them, despite my enhanced physical abilities. The pulses slammed into Jarisha and dropped him, heavily stunned, to the smart-concrete ground. So they, for others appeared, were trying to capture us and not kill us.


I leapt upwards, grabbed part of a Subway Entrance roof at the edge and shot over onto the roof. Dropping a stunflash grenade, I kept moving, darting across the roof. I had left behind both the body-bag and Jarisha but had no choice for now. The attackers were enhanced supersoldiers, just as Jarisha was. The hitech energy weapons, and chameleon power armor, indicated that they were backed by a very advanced faction. It did not appear to be any faction that I knew of and I knew of very many of them. Still, I had not known of Vaultburg or the surviving TekCorps.


I dropped down beside the roof and found that Jarisha was dead and that the body-bag was gone, along with the attackers. I was angry but the attackers had not known about a very exotic trick of mine that was linked to the very alien aspect to my nature. I could 'resurrect' people though the results could be rather exotic at times. It was not something I liked to do for it drained much life energy from me. This time, though, I felt that I had failed Jarisha and also Jarisha had much knowledge that was needed by friendly factions and myself.


I lay my bare hand, fingers flayed out, on his bare chest and another on his bare forehead. Then I focused, doing something that I never quite understood. It worked as he shimmered and then, with a gentle start, opened his eyes. He sat up, doing up his gear to hide his chest, and looked at me with an odd expression. I was quite used to getting such looks from those I had helped to resurrect, other forces were involved in the process, and just smiled.


He shook his head. "I am enhanced of mind, body and spirit. I now have special abilities of 'spirit', what ever that means."


I shrugged. "Have you heard of the Wastelands magefolk, the users of auric magic?"


At that he nodded. "We were taught that such is just Wastelands mythologies, is nonsense because it is illogical. Now, of course, I know that Vaultburg Academy has proven to be wrong yet again. Either wrong, that is, or lying."




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I was attacked, as were Jackoman, Jakeman and Jack! I ended up in the expanded DemivaultDC101E medical centre, now often called the DC101E Hospital. So the expedition to DemivaultDC101C went with out me. This turned out fine enough. The empty demivault had no threats in it though many forms of checks were carried out. The occupants had departed for reasons largely unknown but there were hints of great fear, of skirmishes with vireclaws and vireclaw-puppets. They had not set out towards any other part of TekVaultDC101 but towards an unidentified destination that promised some kind of security and future promise of a better life.


Good news came from the main vault; survivors were fighting back against strange invaders, the very ones who had sent the false messages. The survivors held two subvaults and two attached semivaults but while they held of the mysterious enemy, they were unable to do more than that. Other humans had escaped to DemivaultDC101A and DemivaultDC101B where they remained so far untouched but prepared for trouble as much as they could be.


There was also bad news! Captured humans had been turned into something called cybermen, great heavily armored figures sporting many weapons and carrying others though often cybermen worked instead of fighting. There were others also, some quite strange, like the 'slimly voluptuous', obviously female shaped, cybergirls and the strange, metallic worm like cybermats that could take control of humans, with mixed success. So most captive humans were cybermat slaves (cyber-slaves), or just slaves. Androids had been converted, along with robots and roboremotes. There were 'cyberboys' and special cyberdroids (androids) and cyberbots (robots). None seemed to know where the strange cybernetic forces had come from but there were hints of something called the CyberLords of something called the Cyberclave. There were also odd reports of Marsclave cloned humans, and others, being seen with the Cyberclave units.


The only good thing about the newcomers was that they appeared to be only in relatively small numbers or no doubt they would have already taken over the whole of the main vault.


Information came to me, in the same frustrating way from nowhere, as it often did. UnityWays had risen amongst the survivors of the main vault and other survivors. This was one of the actual reasons they had successfully held out against brutal attacks by the Cyberclave.


I was able to bring forth, from the same mysterious benefactor that had helped Jackoman, four metric tonnes of emergency supplies. Though basic they helped greatly, especially when many refugees began to arrive from a place that never existed officially but whose name I had seen before.

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We were Jasmine, Jakeman, Jack and Jackoman; we slept in deep protective healing, growing stronger in many ways. We dreamed strange dreams, remembered lost memories, sharing some and not others. A difficult decision was made and we were all sent to the RingBase with some difficulty. Once there we were under the compassionate, skilful care of Jaze, Janz and Jade.


We were Jaze, Janz and Jade; along with carrying out other tasks we tended over Jakeman, Jack, Jackoman and Jasmine.


I was ??? and I ceased to exist for the moment so as to take a rest.


I was the Other and I slept deeply while waiting to gain a message from the inferior ShadowGod's inferior followers; that is being inferior to myself, of course.


I, the Eye, remained active.

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The fighting broke out in the NDCR capital of Republicia with gunfire echoing across the surface settlement and through parts of the underground settlement zone. The shock appearance of a new President Sebastian Allman had been followed by his more shocking declaration of sweeping changes to the republic's political, legal and military structures along with other aspects of the civilization. None of the changes were constitutionally legal but Allman declared the constitution to be 'null and void' along with the parliament, the local government councils and much else. The NDCR Central Government became known as the NDCR Federal Government, the NDCR-FG.


The Mysterious Stranger, and the Cosmos Team, entered the outskirts of Republicia and began fighting against other newcomers. Brutal power armored soldiers, Republican Shocktroopers, had appeared with the support of battle robots and combat androids. Shocktroopers piloted striding battle-mechas and armored hovercraft, gunbuggies and tracked fighting vehicles. Only good thing about the Shocktroopers was there were, at max, about a thousand of them and only a couple of hundred robots and androids. Supported by 'Progressor' fighting forces, Allman's new units were winning from the beginning.


"We can not win the battle of Republicia but we can make sure many people escape, taking many valuable resources with them." The Mysterious Stranger aimed a battlerifle, a big weapon designed to be used with power armor, and fired easily though he wore no power armor. Captain Cosmos were firing rayguns and other exotic weapons that blasted down the enemy. CosmicGirls, and CosmicBoys, were in special power armor now that gave them greater fighting abilities than their normal costumes. Stella Skyfire shot an over sized raygun-rifle.


The MS and the Cosmic Force were fighting a defensive rear guard action as refugees raced past them in vehicles of varied kinds. Around them stretched a protected, wide open, area on the edge of Republicia where trad convoys halted, where supplies came in or went out, where open air markets were sometimes held along with other events. Loyalist forces, fighting against the unelected new President Allman and his anticonstitutional changes, were waging war through out areas of Republicia.


A big aeroship lifted into the air, in the distance, and started to leave with an escort of Loyalist helicopters and vertibirds. The elegantly clumsy aeroship was soon moving towards a point where a whole air convoy was forming of airships, aeroships and other such slower moving craft. The Progressors had aircraft but they remained fighting over the settlement. They did not seem to take much effort to attack any of the refugees.


Mortar shells came whistling in from heavy mortars closer to the center of the settlement where the Republicia Tower could be seen as a massive, fortified structure rising well above other surface structures. President Allman was said to be there, at the very top of the tower, overseeing the battle. The sounds of battle came from many directions, often muffled and otherwise distorted. Explosions flashed in the distance, often as brown smoke.


Captain Cosmos spoke, hunkered down in his own power armor. "My cosmic senses feel there is something very dark going on here, something far more dangerous than a made human action. Why have so many people become Progressors so quickly, even many who were against the growing madness of the old Central Government?"


"Allman is no mere human and he is really of the DominatorThirteen, sometimes known as the Thirteen Dominators. Others are the AntEmpress, the Mechanist, BigGary, the SupermutantLord, Lordclaw, Androiza, Scorpia and yet others to arise in their current shapeforms and identities. Each of the Dominators has a way of influencing the mentalities of their chosen group, that they tune into, in a way that is very hard to explain. Allman has chosen humanity, has tuned into humanity, and thus is able to have a powerful, subtle but not perfect influence over humans. Indeed it has a sever reaction amongst some who end up hating him as some already do. Unity is immune to his influence."


A convoy of vehicles came racing past on wheels, tracks and hover fields; most were on wheels. They were going to where a big ground convoy was assembling. Like the air-convoy and faster moving aircraft, the land-convoy was heading towards the new opened settlement of Freedoria. Freedoria was a great, mostly underground, complex that had once been a fortified bunker complex for the wealthy and those that served them along with followers. Many survivors still lived inside Freedoria but it had been upgraded, expanded and augmented by other forces.


Stella Skyfire was less strong than Captain Cosmos but more observant, wiser and sharper. "The refugees are getting away too easily."


The MS smiled. "Well spotted, Stella! President Allman has planted many Progressor traitors amongst the refugees so that they will infiltrate the ranks of his enemies. Freedoria is set up not just to give shelter to the refugees but to filter out those traitors and to deprogram those who have fallen under Allman's psychic slavery."


Stella looked as if she wanted to ask more questions but instead she began to shoot her raygun-rifle again. Allman might be easing off on his attempts to stop refugees leaving but too many were still being killed as they tried to escape. Soon the small force would be going deeper into the settlement to help rescue trapped groups of Loyalists and to free up resources so they could be taken.

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As the huge air-convoy arrived at the DC-Citadel, of the Orders of Steel, much activity broke out. The citadel had a fairly big airport area for jumpjets, helicopters and vertibirds but the bigger air vessels had more difficulty finding space or just landing. Efforts had been made to prepare for the arrival but not much warning had been given. Elder Lyons, himself, oversaw the big operation as unused, or underused, walled areas became parking grounds for aeroships or airships. The airstrip was expanded, with some difficulty, to take subsonic jet aircraft like old jet-airliners and jet-freighters. Historical aircraft were carefully stored to one side as historical artifacts. People, robots, roboremotes, androids, animals, freight and much else was soon being unloaded.


The story was simple enough! The Orders of Steel, in Calimarsia, had been already weakened due to a series of past troubles. Then they had been treacherously attacked by the New Calimarsia Republic and by Caesar's Empire, at the same time on different fronts. On top of this there had been internal strife, savage gangers, swarms of monsters and Marsclave Raiders to deal with. Another threat had been a series of brutal tornadoes. A Brotherhood of Steel Faction had remained in Calimarsia being determined to hold out there; that faction considered the others, in the air-convoy, to be traitors.


Elder Owen Lyons watched the amazing sight of the arriving air-convoy. He saw one of the strange, experimental, fusion-rockets come in and land on its tail. These were relatively small but carried very heavy freight with ease and so they had brought special cargoes to the DC. A DC3, that had once flown through the skies of the home world as a prize working replica, landed at the airstrip. Lyons had been given a briefing on such machines and was seriously thinking of having upgraded, adapted, versions of the rugged, reliable airplanes manufactured.


He was worried about his youngest daughter, Sarah, who had become the renowned commander of the Lyons Pride Special Forces Unit. She had sent and odd report from beneath the National Mall about an amazing find of a great exotic chamber and then contact had been lost. Two teams had been sent to find her, only to be forced to turn back by heavy supermutant activity in the area. 'Something' told him that she remained unharmed but he feared that the Lyons Pride was trapped in that very exotic place they had found. If Sarah said it was important a find, he believed her with out questioning for he had much faith in her judgement when it came to such things.


High overhead passed three Marsclave dronebots but not for very long; interceptor missiles found them and there were three brief flashes in the slowly darkening sky.


A big vertibird came far too close to a smallish airship and shot away just in time. It was surprising that no accidents had happened so far, at least no important ones; none had even been injured, let alone killed.


At that moment black smoke began to pour from a large aeroship and Elder Lyons sighed. He did not need to give orders as people raced quickly, efficiently, to deal with the situation.


More aircraft came into land, including two big helicopter-ships. The ugly armored machines would be very useful in the DC as would most of the aircraft but at least some could be turned over to allies. The Orders of Steel needed there to be strong allies that could be relied upon. The very recent, troubling, events in the settlement of Republicia were one strong indication of that.


Then, with a shock, he realized that underneath one of the helicopter-ships, held tight against its armored belly, was a great big humanoid robot. It was ugly, strange and menacing. It was an atomic motorized, heavily armed and armored, LibertyPrime. It was clear that the great machine needed work to be done on it but as the Elder studied it he was smiling for he knew that the machine was far more lethal than it appeared to be; it looked much like an over sized children's toy robot.

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Creatures, of Blazewarand, began to swarm away from a certain part of that zone that was underground, that is the chamber with the altered zetan saucership. Trogs, zetargs, vireclaws and others, including a scattered number of small hivaca groups, fled from the area as quick as they could. Most of this remained hidden below ground but large hordes did appear on the surface to race across it. Wastelands creatures could easily 'sense' danger but this time there were plenty of clues as they noted others fleeing and the ground began to tremble. The trembles were growing in frequency and power.


Then there was a great shaking of the ground and a great area of ground rose up as a growing dome of earth, stone, ruins and other stuff. It was just like one of the underground nuclear weapons tests that had been carried out on both the Earth and on Mars, along with Luna. The muffled blasting noise, the explosion was huge but very deep, ended and the ground collapsed slowly back downwards. Soon there was a crater there, a very big crater. The transformed zetan saucership was gone, along with much of the area around it in a 3D fashion.


As soon as the excitement was finished, the creatures were getting back to the normal routine of survival except that many had now to find new homes, new hunting gathering territories, and to deal with other complications.


Not long after the explosion, a moderately big but fast moving hovercraft swept over the landscape in a fashion more like low flying than hover travel. It was sleek, it was black-gray splashworked and it was highly stealth capable. There were no markings, or other identifying features on it but the type of stealth infiltration hoverjet was typical of many used by the Marsclave for its Special Ops. It was also heading for the hidden, underground Marsclave citadel of RavenRock.


A ShadowOne observed the hoverjet, from a large distance, hissing in outrage but only out of habit. The ShadowOne reported, at once, to the ShadowLord and then went back to its current task of seeking out artifacts and anything else of use to the ShadowGod and its Shadow Followers.


Three Marsclave dronebots observed the stealth hoverjet moving quickly and reported its existence. They were not fast enough to keep up with the machine and they quietly went on scouting Blazewarand. At times they would drop message capsules onto heavily fortified settlements.


The Marsclave army encamped about fifty kilometres from Citadel RavenRock while the Field Marshal went, with an entourage, to speak to President Eden. The president was a very advanced AI-supercomputer network-system backed up by more standard supercomputer network-systems, roboremotes, robots and androids. The RavenRock Complex was amazingly big but most of it had not been used, or even investigated, for well over a century. There was a population of over a million clone-humans there along with animal-humans; a large minority were control-capped but most were slaves or little more than such. Research and development, manufacturing, cultivation of crops, fixing up of the bunker complex and much else was being done.


The first meeting between the Field Marshal and the AI-supercomputer network-system was cordial but cool.


The first dull white cube shaped parachute-canister, with rounded off corners, fell from the sky, from the unknown. It was three metres wide by three metres high and it came down close to the settlement of Sugartown with a gentle thump. It was soon claimed by a patrol of Republican Guardsmen who took it to the settlement. In it were compact food rations, medical supplies, survival equipment and other items of use. While generally basic it was all excellently made and some items were hitech solid state. The parachute-canister held some odd items, some normal but not like the others and some exotic. On each surface of the cube was a YingYang symbol of the Earth. There was some argumentation but in the end at least half of the contents were kept to be examined, including the more special items, and the other half was given over to the use of the people of Sugartown. Even the canister, and the parachute material, would prove to be very useful. Of course people wondered if any more of these wonderful gifts, from the sky, were going to come. None, of course, realized what was to come from the sky in future.

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0072: I WAS ???


Doing the seemingly impossible often gave me a headache during those centuries of my 'almost existence' and so I had a nasty little head throbber. The distorted zetan saucership had been destroyed and yet there I was in that same vessel; except that vessel was in a TransOrb parked in a long abandoned LifeVault only some 10 kilometres from Sugartown. The TransOrb was 'stretched bigger inside than out' and held the zetan vessel easily.


I made my phantom like way through the vessel, transforming enslaved zetans into free willed yetars or vogons. Yetars and vogons had been peoples who the Grays, the dreaded Graynari, had captured individuals from to help create the zetans. The zetans had, since then, served the Graynari in a very odd semiautonomous manner reflecting the oddity of both peoples. Yet the forces that had captured the zetan saucership, enslaved the zetan crew, were very different from any of the Grays Factions. I had a good idea who, what, had done so and was not happy at the discovery.


The Stargate was deactivated now. It stood in the middle of a typical large zetan chamber that had been altered to take the Stargate on a great big disk shaped platform. Through it had come hordes of vireclaws, hivaca and zetargs but also something else in smaller numbers. I could not quite 'sense' what that had been.


=-= Something came here, activated the Stargate and the monsters came flooding through or is the story more complicated than that?


I had a hint of some sort of dealing taking place between the ShadowGod and the sick, twisted, semiautonomous aspect linked to myself. The 'Other' had stolen three important shadow artifacts from the ShadowGod, that is from a ShadowLord. I suspected that the 'Other' had been given assistance to do this and that the assistance may have come from the force, the faction, that had captured and altered that zetan saucership.The impressions of knowledge were vague and frustrating, giving no precise answers. Yet I continued to pick up important patterns.


=-= The hivaca, vireclaws, zetargs and anything else all came, through the Stargate, from the world of Proxi Five. That was once a thriving colony world of the AncientLords who created the ancient alien artifacts found abandoned on-in many worlds such as this one of Mars.


The Stargates had been created by the AncientLords. None of this was a coincidence, I was sure of it. Surrounded by an ever growing number of vogons and yetars ever ready to assist, I went on seeking valuable information. I gave out orders to the grateful vogons, and yetars, that were just guidelines to start them doing what they were quite able to do on their own. Soon zetan robots were also quite active as were zetan androids. My headache faded away as I went on seeking answers to as yet unformulated questions.

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The ShadowLord had been the one to plant hivaca larvae in the bodies, in status-capsules, found in RivetCity. It had been done simply out of a dark twisted form of humor but the larvae had been safely removed and the humans saved by Professor Madison and her people. The ShadowLord was thus annoyed and was no better pleased at the news that the ShadowOnes had actually failed to gain the OmegaKey. The message to the Twisted Other had been a lie. The ShadowLord had spent too many resources bribing DC Factions only to have gained a lot of useful artifacts but not the one that it was seeking.


One of the DC Syndicates had not given over all of their found artifacts. Once it had been thought that all of the DC Syndicates had been in on the deception but the other DC Syndicates had been very quick to betray their fellow organization. The Rustlers Syndicate stole valuable cattle and other livestock along with riding animals or other valuable creatures. They had an outpost in Paradise Falls but were mainly based in the heavily fortified settlement of Wranglers Gulch. There they replaced brands with forged brands and sold stolen animals to various seedy merchants and anybody else with enough valuables to pay the price.


In the semidarkness the shadowy figure, of the ShadowLord, was accompanied by three ShadowOnes and nine shadowmen, less powerful beings that were still very lethal. There was also a large swarm of hunched black creatures, shadowlings, in black leathery armor covering them from head to foot and with exotic whip like weapons and strange three barreled guns. From a low ridge they still looked down upon the settlement that was in a shallow basin area backed by a cliff face topped by a bigger ridge.


The ShadowLord could 'sense' the presence of a powerful ancient alien artifact in the fortified town but not its actual identity. This did not surprise it for such AAAs were often very difficult to properly identify even close up. The ShadowLord noted the high, thick fortified walls with gun-turrets, battlements and armed guards. They were Talon Mercenaries of the lowest level, that is thug-mercenaries, along with some Rustlers Syndicate people. Nobody with sense trusted the Talon thug-mercenaries enough to totally rely upon them.


The settlement had many tough, well armed humans but the ShadowLord was not concerned about them. No, it was concerned about something else it 'sensed' in that place. The ShadowLord did not like that world, did not like being there and hated complications that slowed down its departure back to the home realm of the shadowfolk.


That it suspected that, somehow, the shadowfolk were being used, by unknown forces, did not help its mood. The Twisted Other was simply not cunning, or powerful, enough to have stolen the five ShadowGlobes in the way that had been done. The ShadowGod had its suspicions also and yet had been willing to go along because it saw a chance of gaining some high value power artifacts of much use; if such could not be directly used, they could be traded.


The ShadowLord began to 'sense' danger strong enough to even threaten itself and its minions. Yet too late did it turn and note the fast approaching threat. There was a great flash of glimmering energies, of purple-gray light, and when it was gone so were the shadowfolk except for some black smudges and burn marks on the rocky ground. The ShadowLord, the three ShadowOnes, the nine shadowmen and many shadowlings had all been totally destroyed in a few seconds. What did lie there was a crooked mound of small, valuable ancient alien artifacts that the ShadowLord had been holding safe deep inside itself.


There was a flash of disconcerting flash of gray-purplish light and then the pile was also gone.


When thug-mercenaries came, from the settlement, to investigate the strange lights they found burn marks, odd black smudges and a 'sense' of disturbing evil that soon had them leaving that place.

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In special power armor, slim and tight, we three women moved with rapid speed, much agility and yet quietness through the amazing devastation that had once been a DC Syndicate fortified settlement of Wranglers Gulch. Undeath had struck the settlement in the form of a GlimmerLord, three GlimmerOnes and many lesser glimmerfolk. Glimmerfolk were of a particular, unique, form of undeath not to be confused with such as zombies, vampires or such like. We had already found the evidence of where the ShadowLord had been destroyed, along with other shadowfolk; it was a terrible blow to the ShadowGod but we had no real pity for such an entity.


=-= The ShadowGod was manipulated, used; the spiritual whisperings carry strong clues of what really happened. The ShadowLord was sent here to regain five ShadowGlobes that were stolen from the ShadowGod. With it came a main force of three ShadowOnes, nine shadowmen and many shadowlings. Yet there was back up of at least two other ShadowOnes along with shadowmen and shadowlings.


They passed a heap of mangled dessicated corpses of rustlers, mercenaries, prostitutes and many others who had fallen to the big night attack of the Glimmering Undeath and had been fed upon.


The battle had not all gone one way. Many lesser glimmerfolk had perished being blasted away with bullets, shells, grenades, shotgun shells and even rocket-grenades. There had even been some basic laser weapons in the settlement and those had turned out to be quite lethal. Yet against a GlimmerLord, along with the three GlimmerOnes, the defenders had little recourse.


A protectron robot was hammered partly into a concrete wall. A gunbuggy was turned on its side with two, fed upon, bodies lay near it still in body-armor and fatigues. Some dogs had survived and were soon following the three newcomers, who slowed to a more reasonable pace. The dogs were now fed and felt safe with their new, already beloved, 'masters'.


Some people had survived by going deep into an old bomb shelter; others had fled from the settlement with anything they could grab up to survive with. Many buildings were intact but a fair few were damaged or even destroyed. The GlimmerLord had come seeking something.


=-= It is whispered that an OmegaKey is to be found somewhere in the Marslands.


An OmegaKey was an amazingly powerful and dangerous ancient, alien artifact. Why it was created, how it was created and what it could do were largely mysteries even to those who knew much about AAAs. It was known that more than one OmegaKey was created but not how many.


They got to the banking building where the rustlers, and others, had funds safely stored away in big safes and protected by robots, armed guards and turrets along with more armor. At least they got to where the building had stood. It had become a smashed triple heap of rubble and other rubbish surrounding a dug up basement level.


I, Jadekin, crouched at the edge of the big basement pit. "There was something down there, in the smashed safe rooms, but it is gone. Yet that does not mean that the GlimmerLord gained it. What ever was down there is easily powerful enough to be an OmegaKey. Question is why would the GlimmerGod want a kind of power that it can not really utilize, that is antagonistic to its true unnatural nature?"


It was a good question with no real answers as yet.


We found survivors and did what we could to assist them. When a force of Regulators, special law enforcers, came they took many of the survivors prisoners for they were criminals wanted for many dark crimes. We kept some humans, animals and other lifeforms with us. Then we sent them, with a little difficulty, to the RingBase.


After that we tried to find more clues to what had taken place.

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