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Assigning beds to companions?


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I'm shacking up with Vilja and Fergus. Freaking Fergus keeps passing out in my double bed, which I assigned to myself and Vilja. I have a single bed for him but he usually just passes out in mine. I told them both "this is your bed" while standing ON TOP OF the beds I want them to use. But they won't listen. Is there a way to make it so they will only sleep in a certain bed, or do they just randomly pick a nearby player-owned bed?
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Try setting the single bed's ownership to Fergus. He should prefer that one, and Vilja will not use it.
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Try setting the single bed's ownership to Fergus. He should prefer that one, and Vilja will not use it.

Nope, did nothing. And now look at them! >:-(

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I'm guessing that Vilja and Fergus are both in the same factions, which would explain that. I remember a bug that was fixed by the UOP, whereby the Count of Anvil would not sleep in the same bed as his wife, but that got fixed -- a faction issue.
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