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dDo Open Beta


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Link to release thread and info on getting a beta key. Feature Overview and basic tutorial is here. The beta expires 28.01.2013.


This is a badass piece of software.


dDo does texture generation inside Photoshop, using parametric controls and maps baked from high poly meshes. Artists can quickly get base textures and then some with little effort while offering a much creative room for taking them farther.



Also, check out nDo2 while you're there. Similar-ish stuff, but for advanced normal map creation.

Edited by throttlekitty
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Heres my first attempt using presets and adjusting sliders:



Heres my second attempt using manual brushes in the mask layers and added custom blending layers:



Edited by brothershogo
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  • 2 weeks later...

Technology is amazing. Can't wait for the day when you put on some kind of virtual reality device and you just think what your model/texture should look like and it automatically creates it for you. :)

Less technical requirements= more focus on creativity/imagination.

Edited by brothershogo
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