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Form id

Go to solution Solved by Pickysaurus,

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Hello, I have fallout modded with over 340 different mods, using Vortex I found it relatively easy to get everything to work. I do have a few issues with some graphical glitches, purple textures etc. I can get the glitched item form ID with the console and the first 2 numbers are the mod in relation to load order i believe. I want to use F4edit to look for an idea what is missing or what might be referenced. How do I determine the load order number of the mods. The load order list in appdata doesnt refer to anything that has related graphics. and in counting the list of mods in that list do i include the ESL files? I cant just load everything in the mod list with F4edit because I am over the 254 mods and it wont load. I can disable some mods but it would be easier if I can determine directly what mod the form ID belongs to. hope this makes sense.





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