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Mods enabled but not installing

Go to solution Solved by Exzerno,

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So I started a fresh reinstall of Skyrim and extracted the Batch files within the games folder
I went to install the mods on Vortex and they installed by the mods aren't showing in my mod load order or the .ESPs aren't showing in my plugins.
I have 35 mods but I started slow and small to see that none of them are installing in my game.
my mod staging is set in D:/Vortex Mods/ but this was changed after to issue but still no luck

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The batch files are the ones within the vanilla Skyrim SE and I used the BAE extractor on the nexus (found out that causes no issues)

So I found out that I can't deploy my mods due to "NO DEPLOYMENT METHOD AVAILABLE" but after watching a youtube video I followed the steps by putting my mod staging folder into my D: Drive (where my game is) and made "D:\VortexGames\Vortex\{GAME}" and after I pressed "apply" I waited until I got an error at the end which was this https://gyazo.com/f41ea39cc61d0bb9f64dd2722b9a745c

So it appears that it's a corrupt mod file I had from when I first modded skyrim about a year ago which now I can't delete and it's preventing me from making a mod staging folder.

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NO DEPLOYMENT METHOD AVAILABLE, means that you have your mod staging folder on drive C, when it needs to be on the same drive as your game D:\


Move the folder using Vortex.

I cannot do that because I get the error https://gyazo.com/f4...64dd2722b9a745c due to a corrupt file I can't get rid of




That's because you extracted all of the game BSAs to loose files.

You're going to have to clean your Data folder of all those files you 'for whatever reason extracted' so that you can fix this.




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NO DEPLOYMENT METHOD AVAILABLE, means that you have your mod staging folder on drive C, when it needs to be on the same drive as your game D:\


Move the folder using Vortex.

I cannot do that because I get the error https://gyazo.com/f4...64dd2722b9a745c due to a corrupt file I can't get rid of


Damn lmao, yeah my bad because someone said I should use that when modding it because it's been a hot minute since I modded the game

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Ok well th




NO DEPLOYMENT METHOD AVAILABLE, means that you have your mod staging folder on drive C, when it needs to be on the same drive as your game D:\

Move the folder using Vortex.

I cannot do that because I get the error https://gyazo.com/f4...64dd2722b9a745c due to a corrupt file I can't get rid of




That's because you extracted all of the game BSAs to loose files.
You're going to have to clean your Data folder of all those files you 'for whatever reason extracted' so that you can fix this.

ok that seemed to fix it, thank you a lot!

Edited by Exzerno
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