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Skyrim sse a epic modding experience


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I took some of my Lunatic Pills (as if I needed those) and have been converting esp plugs to 'light' ones to add more armours and some such. I'm now pleasantly cruising along through the game with 689 mods installed of which 354 have a plugin (252 regular esm/esp, the rest 'light'/esl).


I did experience a CTD at the start of the game (with much less mods installed) in Bleakfalls Barrow when getting the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller artifact for the Greybeards, when entering the area where you have to pass the stones that open the trellis doors. Could walk all over the place without a glitch, but once I came close to the first of the stones that activate the doors, I had a crash within 15 seconds or so. Was never able to solve the matter and skipped the last part through a setstage console command.


I also have a CTD when entering a certain area East of Winterhold and North of Windhelm. Haven't yet found what causes the crash. I try to avoid that specific area, although 'specific' isn't exactly the right word as I don't really know how large the troublesome area is.


For the rest, everything seems to bathe in oil. Gotten through Solstheim with my sanity more or less intact and am now deep in the Serana Vampire/Dawnguard quest. Just got back from the Soul Cairn and went North (with some trepidation) to seek out Septimus Signus in his dwelling inside an iceberg North of the College Of Winterhold. But all went fine. Am now at the entrance to Alftand to get the second Elder Scroll (blood) in the Dawnguard "Seeking Disclosure" quest. To my dismay, however, the entrance to the lift that gives direct access to Blackreach is closed again after I left there. A bit of TCL is in order as I don't feel like going through the complete ruins again.

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I could imagine, but how would you like all of your bios features in windows 10. The Ai suite has pretty much everything, even turbo cache for games. Loads approximately 4 seconds using Turbo boost.

Skyrim loads so fast its not even funny, almost like shes going to crash but doesn't.

Edited by niphilim222
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I could imagine, but how would you like all of your bios features in windows 10. The Ai suite has pretty much everything, even turbo cache for games. Loads approximately 4 seconds using Turbo boost.

Que? Been using Windows 10 for over two years and never had the need for any AI suite. I don't even use the Radeon 2020 Software. The only thing I keep using (and have done so for the past 15 to 20 years) is MSI Afterburner for fan profile and to show temps and V-RAM/RAM use in the display on my G19 keyboard. For the rest, I try to avoid any possibility of third party intrusion into the game. Turbo this and speed-up that... meh. CPU, RAM and GPU are fast enough as it is. I will grab a 'Big Navi' GPU when released (and when the price isn't too steep) because the way my game is going, I'll need more than 8GB of V-RAM. Now, I have to reboot the game every couple of hours to avoid going over that 8GB GPU limit.

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i'm with jimmy here, i don't use 3th party crap, well i do but they are pretty much needed(kis, hitman.pro.alert) and gaming software for my 7.1 headset/mouse

removed almost all crap from win 10 so its more a lite versie now :laugh:


as for mods, well i never use many of those not in se and or fo4, infact i don't play any of the 2 atm, found someting new that i like a bit( Kingdom Come Deliverance )

but i like being a a'sshole on the forums so i visit the place from time to time :devil:

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...()...removed almost all crap from win 10 so its more a lite versie now...()...

My Windows came without anything at all. It's an Enterprise Edition I get as an 'unattended install' from the servers of the Antwerp Social Services where I used to work and for whom I still do the odd networking job. I'm no longer on their payroll but because I still do those jobs they have let me keep my access to their Intranet and don't mind I also install Windows from their servers.


So, my Windows comes as svelte as they get.


I remember when I was younger and got my first 'real' computer (1995, Win '95 OS on a Pentium I 133MHz CPU, obscure Socket 7 motherboard and a whopping 16MB of RAM with an S3-Trio videocard that never heard the word 'Memory' before) after having had an Amiga 500 for a few years. Back then I was also keen on all kinds of frivolous software that promised heaven on Earth. But as you get more experienced you quickley grow out of those tendencies. I am under the impression our friend Niphilim is either still relatively young or a touch inexperienced. Or both. No problem with that. We've all been there. We all have to start somewhere.

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Its not third party crap, its on the driver suite on the dvd, Asus really knows what they are doing.


Check online





even so, i use asus boards for ages but never looked at the stuff on the cd, exept stuff realy needed

first thing i always do was go to the webpage for updated drivers/bios/ect

current using a cheap board https://www.asus.com/nl/Motherboards/PRIME-H370-A/HelpDesk_Download/

same for a gpu board (always asus to) i never look at the stuff that comes with it(cd), i always go strait to nvidia for the latest driver

its all i need, i don't need other stuff like nvidia experiance(sp) just the drivers


for me my sys is fast enough, i5 8400, asus gtx 1660 ti, 16gb(ddr4) ram, nvme main drive, 2th drive ssd (both samsung)

and 4 or 20 sec it don't matter for me, when turning on my sys, or any game

Edited by speedynl
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I've had MSI boards and one Gigabyte board (never again) and then a couple of Asus boards. The last one was when I got the first i7 CPU. An 860. Got a Maximus III Gene socket 1156 board with an integrated Creative SupremeFX XFi chip that only half worked.


My next board was an AsRock P67 Fatal1ty Professional socket 1155 and an i7 2600K. Then I had an AsRock eXtreme11 board for its SAS technology and the 14 SATA connectors and an i7 3770K. That was my last Intel CPU which I used for almost seven years until I got what I now have. I'm staying with AsRock (which used to be an Asus subsidiary to release budget motherboards without harming the Asus brand name). I've had mainly Asus video cards until I switched to MSI for the R7970 Lightning. Now I have a Gigabyte GPU and just like the motherboard at the time, this will be a one-off as I'm totally unhappy with the GPU. I hope MSI will release something decent once Big Navi is here.


Anyway, I only install chipset drivers from the software that comes with the motherboard. Because, even when it's on the official CD/DVD, it's mostly still bloatware, aka crap :tongue:


Besides, it's only by installing a huge variation in software that you learn most of it is useless or that it comes at a price. And that price is often incompatability with everything you do. Everything is faster until you realise that it hampers everything else to gain that bit of speed.

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Te aii suite helps regulate performance


just a example



The Ryzen can modulate clock speed in real time, it can drop mhz from around 3000mhz to 4100mhz at random when in idle mode. even the voltage and other processes can randomly drop or increase in real time.

Edited by niphilim222
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