Amki45 Posted February 29, 2020 Share Posted February 29, 2020 Hello,So, I'm not quite new to modding and wanted to get another round on my favorite game. In my last build I was around 37fps avg with a GTX 970 and a whole ultra settings and 2K build (300+ mods).And now with my new graphics card I think I could reach the 60fps gameplay. So I followed a modlist and made some adjustements (list here, demonstration here). I have done a 4k-2k build and I'm running at only 30fps... wtf, someone in the comments said "Tested in a GTX 950 with a Athlon x4 860k stock on 768p and working on 30fps" !?! (Random location on Solthsteim left to Miraak's temple, there is a wounded body of a woman)My Modlist (top overwrite bottom): +DynDOLOD_Output+DynDOLOD - Textures+DynDOLOD Resources SE+PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions+JContainers SE+QUASIPC - Qwinn's Unified Automated Self Installing Patch Compendium+Quiet Dog+Drunk Sinking Head Idle Fix+We Don't Float - Bodies don't float on water+TKAA Patches - Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions+Hearthfire multiple adoptions+Sovngarde - Mist's Font Replacer+Weightless Gold Coins+WeightLess+No BS AI Projectile Dodge+Proper Aiming+Lazy Item Hider - Toggle helm weapons and more+Skyrim Skill Uncapper+No Spinning Death Animation+Dynamic Dungeon Loot (DDL) - Random Loot System+Wet and Cold SE+VioLens - A Killmove Mod SE+Critical Hit - Backstab and Parry in Skyrim Special Edition+One With Nature - Dynamic Animals and Creatures SE+Unread Books Glow SSE+The Paarthurnax Dilemma+Summermyst X Immersive Jewelry Patch+Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim+SSIRT v4.1+RDO - CRF and USSEP Patches Final+RDO - AFT Patch Final+Amazing Follower Tweaks SE+Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE+Pastel SkyUI Markers+60 FPS Menus - Natural Interface+Mfg Fix+Deadly Wenches -Tera Armors random- SSE+Deadly Wenches+Immersive Wenches+Skyrim Unadoption Mod+A Quality World Map+Better Jumping SE+Unlimited Sprinting+Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers+Run For Your Lives+Dragons Shout with Voice+Faster Mining Plus SE+Spells Emit Light+Bound Armory Extravaganza - the MCM version+Enhanced Atronachs - With Levelling and Luminosity+No more Radial Blur - Performance optimization+Better Dialogue Controls+Better MessageBox Controls+Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice+SkyHUD - Patch+SkyHUD+The Notice Board SE+Antennaria+Maids II Deception+Obsidian Weathers - Vigilant Integration+VIGILANT Voiced - English Addon+VIGILANT SE+The Second Great War+Maelstrom - Fully Voiced Follower and Quest Mod SSE+Dawnguard and Clan Volkihar Epilogues+Undeath Remastered+Clockwork (SSE)+Hel Rising SSE - Quest and Follower Mod+Forgotten Dungeons (SSE)+The Final Cataclysm - Ultimate Edition Update+The Final Cataclysm - Ultimate Edition+CBBE Conversions for Beyond Skyrim - Bruma+TKAA Patches - Beyond Skyrim Bruma+Ordinator Beyond Skyrim Patch+Beyond Skyrim DLC Integration Patch+Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE+TKAA Patches - Falskaar+Falskaar+THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY+Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch+Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim+Scoped Bows Compatibility Kit - SBCK+Scoped Bows SE 1.3.1+T'Skyrim - True Weapons+Spriggan Armor CBBE + Bodyslide with Physics+Tera Armors Collection SSE CBBE+Immersive Jewelry SSE 1.6+Immersive Jewelry SSE+TKAA Patches - CRF+Cutting Room Floor - SSE+Moonlight Tales MCM+Moonlight Tales Special Edition - Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul+Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim+TKAA Patches - Live Another Life+Alternate Start - Live Another Life - SSE+Dripping when aroused+ABBA SE+Billyy's SLAL Animations 2.9+SLAL SE Creature Animations by Sailing Rebel (SRB) v02.0+SL Defeat SSE+SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.0 RC3 (Beta 13)+SexLabs Beastess+HornyCreaturesofSkyrim V1.14+HentaiCreatures v12.2+HDT Werewolves SSE - Moonlight Tales Essentials Compatibility+HDT Werewolf SSE v2.5+BakaFactory Animated Beasts Cocks+MoreNastyCritters v12.03+Creature Framework 1.1.0 SE+Expressions for SL SE+Sexlab LightMeUp+SexLabAroused SSE+SLAL SE+SexLabFramework SE v163_BETA8+KS Hairdos - HDT SMP (Physics)+FNIS Sexy Move SE - 360 Player+FNIS Sexy Move SE+Realistic Animation Project - Movement+Realistic Animation Project - Idles+Pretty Combat Animations+Improved Camera+HDT-SMP (Skinned Mesh Physics)+XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended+FNIS Creature Pack SE 7.6+Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE+(JoJo) Awaken my Dragonborn+Sounds of Skyrim - Complete Edition+Celtic Music in Skyrim - SE+Fantasy Soundtrack Project SE+Unofficial High Definition Audio Project - Voices Part 2+Unofficial High Definition Audio Project - Voices Part 1+Unofficial High Definition Audio Project - Music+Wispmother Bodyslide CBBE+Spriggan Bodyslide CBBE+Flame Atronach Particle Patch+Flame Atronach Bodyslide CBBE+Skyrim Better Roads-TKAA Patches - TPOS+Lanterns of Skyrim SE+Holidays+The Kids Are Alright SE+Bijin All in One 2019+Valericaholic 1.7.2 SSE+Seranaholic 1.7.2 SSE+Bijin Warmaidens SE+Bijin Wives SE+Bijin NPCs SE+BodySlide and Outfit Studio+The Pure - CBBE+High Polygon Armor Replacer for CBBE (Physics)+CBBE - SMP Config+Hvergelmir's Aesthetics - Beards+Tempered Skins for Males - SOS Light version, part 2 of 2+Masculine Khajiit Textures (Grey Cat and Leopard)+Masculine Argonian Textures for Vanilla (Chameleon and Lizard)+Tempered Skins for Males - SOS Light version, part 1 of 2+Feminine Khajiit Textures (Grey Cat and Leopard) [CBBE]+Feminine Argonian Textures (Chameleon and Lizard) [CBBE]+Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE- Chef Physics Outfit Slider fix+Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE- Esl Flagged+Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-+Vampire Facial Reclamation+Hvergelmir's Aesthetics - Brows+Eye Normal Map Fix SSE+Improved Eyes Skyrim+Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - 2k Rough Hair+RaceMenu High Heels+Heels Sound+Better Dynamic Majestic Mountains+Enhanced Lights and FX+Better Dynamic Snow SE+Vampire Lord Retexture+RUSTIC AZURA'S STAR - Special Edition+RUSTIC FROSTBITE SPIDER - Special Edition+RUSTIC DAEDRA - Special Edition+RUSTIC SPRIGGAN - Special Edition+RUSTIC SPRIGGAN EFFECTS - Special Edition+RUSTIC SOUL GEMS - Special Edition+RUGNAROK - Special Edition+RUSTIC CLUTTER COLLECTION - Special Edition+RUSTIC FURNITURE - Special Edition+RUSTIC DRAGON CORPSE - Special Edition+Rudy ENB Night Sky+ETHEREAL COSMOS - Special Edition+RUSTIC DEATH HOUND and GARGOYLE - Special Edition+RUSTIC ELDERSCROLL - Special Edition+PELTAPALOOZA - Special Edition+RUSTIC CLOTHING - Special Edition+ETHEREAL CLOUDS - Special Edition+RUSTIC WINDOWS - Special Edition+RUSTIC ARMOR and WEAPONS SE - Special Edition+Fluffy Snow for MM+Majestic Mountains - LOD Ressources+Majestic Mountains - 2.82 Update+Majestic Mountains+SKELETON AND HUMAN BONES+Lucidity Sound FX SSE+FALMER+HAGRAVEN+WISPMOTHER+MAMMOTH+GIANT+DRAUGR+SABRECAT+DRAGON PRIEST+TROLL+HORNCANDLES+Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack+Bellyaches HD Dragon Replacer Pack (SE)+Gemling Queen Jewelry SSE HDT SMP+Gemling Queen Jewelry SE+LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons - All in One Installer+Improved weapons enchantments FX SE+FleshFX+Ultimate HD Fire Effects SSE+Voltage+Dust Effects by HHaleyy+Smooth Sky mesh - SSE+Deadly Spell Impacts+Embers HD+Morning Fogs SSE+Wonders of Weather+Obsidian Weathers and Seasons+ENB Helper SE+Enhanced Blood Textures+Realistic Water Two+Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods - Arthmoor's Mods Patches+Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods+Fluffy Snow - Blended Roads Patch+Blended Roads+HD Photorealistic Ivy - UV-Tweaks Patch+HD Photorealistic Ivy+Northern Grass SE+Fluffy Snow - 3D Trees Patch+Low Resolution Particles+Insignificant Object Remover+Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants BILLBOARDS 4.0.0+Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants+Stunning Statues of Skyrim+aMidianBorn AIO SE Optimized+NSM - SMIM Patch+Enhanced Textures Detail (UV-tweaks)+Static Mesh Improvement Mod+Ennead - Banners+Book Covers Skyrim+Ruins Clutter Improved SE - Ruins Linen Normal Map Fix+Ruins Clutter Improved SE - Ratway Wood Fix+Ruins Clutter Improved SE - Candles Missed+Ruins Clutter Improved SE+Coldhaven Higher Res Textures 1.6 SE+The People Of Skyrim Complete SSE+Darkend Missing walls hotfix+Darkend FaceGenData 1.4 Meshes and Textures+Darkend+Coldhaven 1.6 SE+Just Ice+Noble Skyrim Mod HD-2K+performance optimized textures for SSE+AddItemMenu+UIExtensions+SkyUI+RaceMenu+Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch+SSE Fixes+(SKSE64) Havok Fix+SSE Engine Fixes (skse64 plugin)*DLC: Dawnguard*DLC: Dragonborn*DLC: HearthFires My LoadOrder (top = hightest priority):Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esmUnofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.espBSAssets.esmBSHeartland.esmBS_DLC_patch.espUHDAP - MusicHQ.espUHDAP - en0.espUHDAP - en1.espUHDAP - en2.espUHDAP - en3.espUHDAP - en4.espHeels Sound.esmMajesticMountains_Landscape.esmForgotten DungeonsSSE.esmSMSkyrim.espSexLab.esmSexLabAroused.esmCreatureFramework.esmFalskaar.esmVigilant.esmDynDOLOD.esmSMIM-SE-Merged-All.espLSFX-SSE-Audiosettings.espELFX - Exteriors.espImmersive Wenches.espSkyUI_SE.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espdD-Medium Script Range.espEnhancedLightsandFX.espNorthernGrass.espS3DTrees NextGenerationForests.espMajesticMountains_Moss.espUndeath.espCutting Room Floor.espObsidian Weathers.espDeadlySpellImpacts.espBook Covers Skyrim.espEmbersHD.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espFNIS.espSOSRaceMenu.espXPMSE.espWe Dont Float.espFantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat.espFantasy Soundtrack Project.espCeltic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE.espSummermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esptpos_ultimate_esm.espImmersive Jewelry.espWeightLessTrueAll.espGQJ_DG_vampireamuletfix.espUIExtensions.espAddItemMenuSE.espSkyHUD.espHearthfireMultiKid.espTKAA.espBSHeartland TKAA Patch.espCutting Room Floor TKAA Patch.espFalskaar TKAA Patch.espHearthfireMultiKid_LastName.espKSHairdosSMP.espKSWigsSMP.espDustEffectsSSE.espWondersofWeather.espBetter Dynamic Snow.espBetter Dynamic Snow - Snowy Farmhouses.espMoonlightTalesMCM.espProper Aiming.espUnlimited Sprinting.espNoBSAIProjectileDodge.espWeightlessGoldCoins.espBarenziahQuestMarkers.espSchlongs of Skyrim - Light.espImproved Eyes Skyrim - Vamp.espImproved Eyes Skyrim.espFleshFX.espImpWeapEnchFX.espSpells Emit Light.espBound Armory Extravaganza.espRaceMenuHH.espVioLens SE.espUnreadBooksGlow.espAmazingFollowerTweaks.espRelationship Dialogue Overhaul.espGreatWarSkyrim.espSounds of Skyrim - Complete Edition.espT'Skyrim - True Weapons.espMajesticMountains.espHolidays.espSkyrim Unadoption Mod.espHearthfireMultiKid TKAA Patch.espMorning Fogs SSE.espRDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.espRDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.espicepenguinworldmapclassic.espNatural Interface.espFNISSexyMove.espAntennaria.espSkyrim Better Roads - All In One - Merged.espRun For Your Lives.espScopedBows.espMoreNastyCritters.espSexLab Beastess.espBijin_AIO-SV 2018.espOneWithNature.espHornyCreatures.espBijin Warmaidens.espBijin Wives.espBijin NPCs.espMoonlight Tales Special Edition.espQw_BeyondSkyrimBruma_USSEP Hotfix Patch.espClockwork.espWerewolves.espEnhancedAtronachs.espDynamicDungeonLoot.espdD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.espSMSkyrim - Meshes.espSLAnimLoader.espSexLab Aroused Creatures.espSexLabDefeat.espImmersiveJewelryXSummermyst.espSexlabLightMeUp.espImmersive Arousal.espLazyItemHider.espCBBE.espDeadly Wenches.espTERAArmorsSSE.espDeadly Wenches -Tera Armors Random-.espTeraArmorsSSE Leveled Lists Rare.espTeraArmorsSSE RARE USSEP Patch.espDW.espABBA.espObsidian Weathers for Vigilant.espBDS - MM Patch.espScopedBows_Bijin Patch.espQw_BarenziahQuestMarkers_USSEP Patch.espQw_BookCoversSkyrim_CRF Patch.espCritical Hit.espWetandCold.espNoRadialBlur.espRUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted - ESL.espBlendedRoads.espFluffy Snow - BlendedRoads Patch.espaMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esptposcw.espnotice board.espQw_S3DTrees_CRF Patch.espThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.espDarkend.espColdhaven.espTrueHel.espBeastess Vampire.espSerana.espValerica.espMaelstrom.espDawnguard&VolkiharArtifactsQuests.espApocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.espINFERNAL FLAME.espHentaiCreatures.espSLALAnimObjBillyy.espSpriggan Armor.espInsignificant Object Remover.espFPSBoost.espOrdinator - Perks of Skyrim.espApocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.espOrdinator - Beyond Skyrim Bruma Patch.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.espAlternate Start LAL TKAA Patch.espELFXEnhancer.espRealisticWaterTwo.espLandscape Fixes For Grass Mods.espRealistic Water Two - Landscape For Grass Mods Patch.espLandscape Fixes For Grass mods - Cutting Room Floor Locations.espLandscape Fixes For Grass mods - Alternate start Locations.espRealisticWaterTwo - Beyond Reach.espRealisticWaterTwo - Beyond Skyrim Bruma.espRealisticWaterTwo - Falskaar.espRealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Falskaar.espRealisticWaterTwo - ELFX Patch.espDynDOLOD.espI'm also using Rudy's ENB (3fps gain when I disable it... IMPRESSIVE).Fresh Windows 10, fresh graphics drivers, bios updates...I have done a perfect installation (no crashes so far): using MO2, setting loadorder with LOOT, remove ITM with SSEEdit, build LODs with DynDOLOD, run BodySlide...I don't know if I missed something like a mod or a step...My Specs: FHD 60Hz LG ScreenAsus TUF RX 5700 XT (Yes I know about the memory problem but it's not causing my issue)Intel i5 4690 @3.5GHzAsus B-85-MG12 Gb or DDR3 @1600MHzDid I messed up or did I get too greedy ?(If some of my installed mods are very fps-unfriendly I could test without them if it makes the difference) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JimmyRJump Posted February 29, 2020 Share Posted February 29, 2020 I'm on an R7 2700X and a Vega 64 with 2x16GB of RAM and averaged 44.7fps in 1080p over a period of roughly 300hrs, according to the Radeon Adrenalin 2020 Software (v20.1.2 -later versions are screwy for me). I do have 700 mods installed with 360 plugins (253 regular, the rest 'light') with quite a lot of 2 and 4K texture improvements. 44.7 may seem low, but I have smooth gameplay with no visual stutterings or hamperings. Only 'problem' I have now is that RAM doesn't seem to flush properly and accumulates during play which results in having to restart the game every couple of hours, depending on how many times I change cells, because the game threatens to go over the 8GB V-RAM limit of the GPU. I stopped caring about fps years ago, because, in the end, it doesn't matter as long as a game runs visibly without a glitch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amki45 Posted February 29, 2020 Author Share Posted February 29, 2020 Most of my textures mods are set on 2k I'm using 4k only for males and females bodies and only 1k for small things like eyes, mouth...I would stop carrying for fps if I was at least above 40fps but that's not the case.I upgraded because I wanted to play Skyrim with more fps and better graphics but I just can't.30fps average in random locations is really low for my specs and it's not a VRAM issue cause I always run new save for testing and VRAM does not exceed 50% (4GB / 8GB).Only 260mods, I downloaded everything I wanted but I'm very disappointed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JimmyRJump Posted March 1, 2020 Share Posted March 1, 2020 Well, 2K is four times larger than what the vanilla game has. You have to keep in mind that the game's engine is almost ten years old meanwhile. And you can be unhappy about average fps, but does the game run smooth? If it does, then who cares about low averages. I mean, you wouldn't know if you didn't have a look at the results. I didn't know I had 'only' 45 fps on average. And I don't feel bad now that I know, because, like I said, it's not noticable when I play. For all I know, averages could be pulled down when having a black transition screen when you change cells or fast-travel. Then you would have bad fps results because of parts of the game where fps doesn't matter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amki45 Posted April 1, 2020 Author Share Posted April 1, 2020 Okay, soSorry to bring up this post, but I've some news and I hope it can inform and help people that are in the same situation as me.I found the reason to the problem but currently there are no solutions.The problem simply comes from the AMD drivers which are quite unstable lately and especially for users of the latest RX 5000 series.Some of you may already be aware of crash issues with black screen (or green screen for those with older screens like mine). Personnaly I was getting them on Skyrim SE before the 20.2.2 update. I found that if I enabled the "Radeon Chill" feature I would not lower my FPS to save power but instead to increase the minimum FPS to have a stable and playable game (sometimes it runs at 5fps in small interiors like farms). And it works ! Stable game, reasonable temperatures and FPS that doesn't go below the minimum limit that I've set.The problem is that this feature causes the problem stated above, a green screen for me (even after 20.2.2 update).So I think we just have to wait for AMD to fix those bugs. Hopefully it won't take very long. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mistafresh Posted April 19, 2020 Share Posted April 19, 2020 A couple weeks ago, with the lockdown situation, I decided to get back into Skyrim. For that reason I was wondering whether or not to buy a new Radeon 5700 card in order to enjoy the best possible graphics with mods. I made a quick google search to get some feedback on its performance, and I stumbled upon this exact thread and it really made me wonder whether or not to go ahead or buy nvidia instead. Nvidia has some great cards and technology, but in my opinion they have gotten too comfortable and need some competition if we want to see powerful and affordable cards in the future. So obviously I would not buy a defective AMD product over a working nvidia one, but all other things being equal I would go AMD in the current situation. I decided to go forward in spite of the negative reports and buy a Gigabyte Radeon 5700XT Gaming OC 8G. Anyway I can return it if it doesn't work. After a few hours of gaming, this is my feedback: - to have results that can be compared, I installed the Phoenix Flavour modlist with Skyrim Special Edition using Wabbajack and the Visceral ENB, and basically followed the exact recommendations described in the Phoenix Flavour modding guide. So anyone can easily follow the instructions there and get the same result that I am getting. By the way I recommend this guide if you want a stable, very beautiful Skyrim that also performs very well. It doesnt add too many mods so its a good starting point to make your own custom modded Skyrim, and with wabbajack it takes care of the boring parts of modding like downloading all the fixes and cleaning the masters for you. For this purpose I took the nexus 1 month subscription, and having a good internet, I got the modlist installed in a matter of minutes. - I play at 1440p aka 2560*1440 resolution. If you play at 1080p, you can get a much cheaper card like an rx580. If you play at 4K, at the time of writing you will need a more expensive nvidia card like the 2080 or 2080ti. - the Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.2.2 Recommended (WHQL) drivers released on 5/3/2020 seems to have solved most stability and performance issues. I installed these drivers and I am getting butter smooth, stable gaming, with a beautifully modded Skyrim, at 1440p resolution. Full disclosure : a few years ago I played Skyrim Legendary Edition, and I was getting fps in the low 30s with a 1080ti, because I had picked the most graphically intensive mods at the time. I had no idea which mods really made an improvement to the visual quality and just set everything to max and downloaded the highest resolution texture packs. But there is such a thing as diminishing returns, and unless you just want to be taking screenshots, its a real challenge to evaluate every mod you are adding and whether or not the performance impact is worth it, and I believe that will be a lot more important for your FPS than the brand and model of graphics card you get. As a noob and not having the time or inclination for hours of trial and error I can safely recommend the Phoenix Flavour modlist as they have done this curation job for us. Conclusion: the driver issues plaguing the Radeon 5700 XT seem to have been worked out with the latest driver updates, the card works fine and to get better performance it is crucial to pick well optimized mods. Hope this helps another lurker. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amki45 Posted April 22, 2020 Author Share Posted April 22, 2020 After further investigation,It seems that after update 20.2.2 less than 10% of RX 5700 card users still have some problems with their cards.Sorry if I have given an opinion which does not correspond to the globality and especially to the majority of the users, it was not intended. I was just wondering if I'm the only one who's encountered these kinds of problems and maybe found a solution. At the moment, I think that the only solution is to wait for AMD drivers updates and BIOS updates from custom graphics card manufacturers.After 20.4.1 update, always observing the same problems for my part, there are also a few other games where I encounter similar problems, like TESO.It would appear that this does not concern all places and all games and that it is not a performance issue. I can assure that because I recently tested another ModPack even bigger in therms of performance cost.In some places and also according to what is done before (see if I load my backup directly in the zone) the GPU seems to react differently. Sometimes it behaves normally and allows me to get up to 60 fps (with no slutter, correct temperatures that prove that the gpu is working) and in other times the GPU seems to be lazy with low temperatures, fan speed, electric consumption (only the VRAM behave normally) that results into low fps (between 5 and 30 in most cases). Same situation in TESO.I will update this topic when I find something interesting or if I come up with a solution. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elpuertorro Posted April 23, 2020 Share Posted April 23, 2020 For AMD make sure the settings are as belowVsync in game = off --> use original launcher launch and tick off Vsync > close it.Go to: Ducuments>My Games>Skyrim Special Edition --now edit with Notepad both files to match as below if a line is not there add the line.Skyrim.ini =[Display] iPresentInterval=1Skyrimprefs.ini = [Display] bBorderless=1bFull Screen=1 iVSyncPresentInterval=0 bBorderless=1bFull Screen=1and last whe are going to let ENB do Vsync so go to Skyrim folder same place as Skyrim.exe open enblocal an make sure it matches this:[ENGINE]ForceVSync=trueVSyncSkipNumFrames=0[LIMITER]EnableFPSLimit=falseFPSLimit=0.0With Limiter you have a choice you can let AMD with chill lock the frames for 60 i would do min 59 max 61 or use ENB you would change 0 to 60 if not leave it at 0, so recap if you use ENB for Vsync leave at 0 or lock 60 , if you use AMD leave at 0 en set it in the driver software and speaking of it...Now in AMD software go to the game profile Enhanced Sync = Disable (should be off by default)and alsoWait for Vertical Refresh = OFF.That should unlock/fix it, you can lock to 60 or more but don't forget to adjust for over 60fps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mistafresh Posted April 26, 2020 Share Posted April 26, 2020 If you have an issue with your card, you can send it back. Or buy another card to see if it is better, then return the one that performs worse.Someone asked me which ENB I was using.The first days I used Visceral ENB and game settings at high. Great visuals and FPS at 59.9 which is the maximum you can get with the Phoenix modlist (it locks fps at 60). Could probably go much higher with such reasonable settings, but my monitor does not go above 75 Hz anyway. Then I tried Re-engage ENB, high quality preset (the one just under ultimate) with game settings at ultra and with this configuration I'm at around 55fps. I have a freesync monitor so I enabled variable refresh rate, and as long as I'm above 50 fps, it feels smooth enough.Although Visceral looks nice, Re-engage actually looks an order of magnitude better, so I'm willing to take the small FPS hit. I mean I thought Visceral looked great until I tried Re-engage... The same scene looks completely different.I put the game settings at Ultra because when I use bows I want the maximum depth of view to spot ennemies from far. Other than that, I'm using Ryzen 5 3600 with MSI Mortar Max motherboard and 16 GB of RAM. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elpuertorro Posted April 30, 2020 Share Posted April 30, 2020 If you have an issue with your card, you can send it back. Or buy another card to see if it is better, then return the one that performs worse.Someone asked me which ENB I was using.The first days I used Visceral ENB and game settings at high. Great visuals and FPS at 59.9 which is the maximum you can get with the Phoenix modlist (it locks fps at 60). Could probably go much higher with such reasonable settings, but my monitor does not go above 75 Hz anyway. Then I tried Re-engage ENB, high quality preset (the one just under ultimate) with game settings at ultra and with this configuration I'm at around 55fps. I have a freesync monitor so I enabled variable refresh rate, and as long as I'm above 50 fps, it feels smooth enough.Although Visceral looks nice, Re-engage actually looks an order of magnitude better, so I'm willing to take the small FPS hit. I mean I thought Visceral looked great until I tried Re-engage... The same scene looks completely different.I put the game settings at Ultra because when I use bows I want the maximum depth of view to spot ennemies from far. Other than that, I'm using Ryzen 5 3600 with MSI Mortar Max motherboard and 16 GB of RAM. This problem is something known in the game with AMD cards and the engines Vsync, if the Vsync does a nice drop it kinda off locks itself to the 30's no matter what, has nothing to do with a bad card or Driver issues if that's what you was thinking.I had the same problem that's why I know took me about 5 months of digging around, matter of fact a way to test it is if he puts it in windows mode with borders and if your fps jumps up to where it should then you know the Vsync thing is the issue. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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