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Deployment settings


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Hi there,


Is there any way to change the Vortex deployment option on a game?

Also, is there actually a good deployment option out there? Because the documentation sure doesn't list any...


Particularly Mount&Blade Warband apparently permits only the "elevated symlink" method. I dislike this method for two reasons: The mod folder is full of links. If i change a file because I want to mix mods, it changes the linked file. Not to mention I can't actually mix at all without manually downloading and extracting, making Vortex kind of useless. I would very much prefer isolated copies over this mess. Secondly, it requires elevated privileges every time it adds or removes a mod. That's a security concern.

I would prefer a simple copy-method that does not require privileges or odd file states. I have space on fast SSDs and I dislike weird linux-ish "solutions" like this. This is Windows. We don't do much linking on Windows.

Extract to destination, check for file changes via check sums, report and repair all or some files only on demand. You know, git-like. Maybe add versioning with merging while you're at it. Now that'd be something.




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Some mods have other mods as requirements. A typical scenario is to first install one mod and then install another on top of it (and sometimes then some). I call that mixing because in a sense that's what this process does. You can blame lazy mod-creators for not providing the whole thing, but then it can be done this way, so why not.

Vortex apparently does not recognize this scenario. With the link-method the copy-over-result did not work. I assume because from the looks it overwrites the linked files rather than replace the link with an actual file. I'm not entirely certain how this affects correctness, because of all the linking it's far from obvious how some content affects other content somewhere way off.

I was since advised that using Vortex for M&B is generally a bad idea and unnecessary so now I'm doing everything manually. This isn't exactly comfortable but at least it works.

Also, just because every mod manager does it, doesn't mean it's ever been a good idea. It can also mean certain user groups do not at all use managers and therefore nobody every bothered with their preferences. Or it may mean that copying what others do is more important than figuring out whether what they do is actually good. It's not like that never happened...

I use compilation and version control systems on a daily basis. To me what you're doing with this game at least seems like a leap in the wrong direction. Also I'm not entirely sure why you can't at least add the option to do it the clean way.

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Some mods have other mods as requirements. A typical scenario is to first install one mod and then install another on top of it (and sometimes then some). I call that mixing because in a sense that's what this process does. You can blame lazy mod-creators for not providing the whole thing, but then it can be done this way, so why not.

Vortex apparently does not recognize this scenario. With the link-method the copy-over-result did not work. I assume because from the looks it overwrites the linked files rather than replace the link with an actual file. I'm not entirely certain how this affects correctness, because of all the linking it's far from obvious how some content affects other content somewhere way off.

I was since advised that using Vortex for M&B is generally a bad idea and unnecessary so now I'm doing everything manually. This isn't exactly comfortable but at least it works.

Also, just because every mod manager does it, doesn't mean it's ever been a good idea. It can also mean certain user groups do not at all use managers and therefore nobody every bothered with their preferences. Or it may mean that copying what others do is more important than figuring out whether what they do is actually good. It's not like that never happened...

I use compilation and version control systems on a daily basis. To me what you're doing with this game at least seems like a leap in the wrong direction. Also I'm not entirely sure why you can't at least add the option to do it the clean way.



The "Install one mod, then install another on top of it" is what you had to do with NMM.

With Vortex you can install either mod first, and then afterwards, when you get a conflict message, you can then just tell mod B to LOAD AFTER Mod A, to get the same effect as installing one first, then installing the second one on top of it.

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