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Esp to Esm LO question


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LMAO, yeap, just like me to "over think" things! Ok, I got it, you are giving me a warning of the affect it would cause. I thought you meant even if I flagged it and moved it above the .esm somehow the engine would still know to load the .esm first. Learning and laughing, a double win!


So now that I got my perception under wraps, lol, with no conflicting masters of the two loading after and a .esm flag on the one, the affect of the LO would be my only concern, correct? Thanks

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LMAO, yeap, just like me to "over think" things! Ok, I got it, you are giving me a warning of the affect it would cause. I thought you meant even if I flagged it and moved it above the .esm somehow the engine would still know to load the .esm first. Learning and laughing, a double win!


So now that I got my perception under wraps, lol, with no conflicting masters of the two loading after and a .esm flag on the one, the affect of the LO would be my only concern, correct? Thanks




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Perfect, I could not find a single example where someone converted one in order to resolve conflict. As a matter of fact I do not believe anyone gave a reason as to "why" exactly they were converting a .esp to a .esm, just how to do it. The cells they do share are mostly the same with only a few yellow showing xedit. I know to really know what is going on I have to dive into the codes, but it does not need to be 100% immersive for me. I see some red or edges, not remembering the correct term now as very little research done into actual mod creation, I can live with that. I just don't want a follower to not be able to do so all through the Legacy adventure.


Thanks again for all your time and help! Have a great day :)

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I got some new info on the above mention situation to resolving a LO conflict and want to update this as not to leave some potentially bad info out here. Yes, of course, changing an esp to an esm will allow it to place accordingly, but it can have adverse affects if one does not know what they are doing. Basically, as it was explained to me, do not do that for the sole sake of that reason of resolving conflict if, like myself, one does not know its complete affects.


Instead a custom patch will be needed to resolve the issue correctly or request one from someone who does make such patches. In this case, and very strangely, is exactly what happened. Thank you Sir Jesto, and others, for all your help, time, and consideration in this matter!! Now, thanks to Sir, soon a legitimate patch will be offered to the community who would like to use Legacy of the Dragonborn and Skyrim Sewers together :) :) :) Happy Modding All

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