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Diagnosing CTDs near Mara's Respite (Player Home)


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I'm looking for methods I could use to help diagnose why the mod I created, Mara's Respite, is causing CTDs when you approach the home.


I've checked the papyrus logs following the crashes, but they don't offer any consistent evidence of why the game crashes. It could be a mod conflict, but several other people have also reported getting CTDs when approaching or leaving the home and I doubt we all have the same load order.


There are no new assets used in the mod, but it does have some scripting. Basically I have no idea what the problem could be and would appreciate any help that can be given. If anyone wants to download the mod, crack it open, and take a look at things, be my guest.

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If the mod was made through the Creation Kit, then there's a high possibility that assets you used got linked/connected (or stayed linked/connected) to other assets. The CK has a bit a mind of its own when selecting stuff. As such, loading scenery in the proximity of the abode you created wants to also load stuff that's miles away in the game, or at least is in another cell or hasn't been discovered yet.


Also, the location can interfere with things that have to take place there. Mind you, this is wet finger in the wind stuff as I've never made a mod or even came close to it.

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Well I can safely say that the houses location shouldn't be the issue. There were no major markers or anything at the location when I built the house. What is confusing me is that previously I had installed this mod by downloading it from Nexus and installing it with NMM and it worked flawlessly, but now that I've switched to Vortex I get this problem. Could the way Vortex is handling the mods deployment be the issue?

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Well I can safely say that the houses location shouldn't be the issue. There were no major markers or anything at the location when I built the house. What is confusing me is that previously I had installed this mod by downloading it from Nexus and installing it with NMM and it worked flawlessly, but now that I've switched to Vortex I get this problem. Could the way Vortex is handling the mods deployment be the issue?

I gave up on Vortex and went back to NMM because the exact same working load order I had in NMM crashed the game on start-up before the Bethesda menus screen with the lot loaded by Vortex. Go figure. Same thing happened with Fallout 4. So, for me it was bye-bye Vortex and am now pleasantly cruising through Skyrim landscapes with 722 mods installed (371 plugins -252 regular, the rest esl or esps flagged as light).

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Well I can safely say that the houses location shouldn't be the issue. There were no major markers or anything at the location when I built the house. What is confusing me is that previously I had installed this mod by downloading it from Nexus and installing it with NMM and it worked flawlessly, but now that I've switched to Vortex I get this problem. Could the way Vortex is handling the mods deployment be the issue?

I gave up on Vortex and went back to NMM because the exact same working load order I had in NMM crashed the game on start-up before the Bethesda menus screen with the lot loaded by Vortex. Go figure. Same thing happened with Fallout 4. So, for me it was bye-bye Vortex and am now pleasantly cruising through Skyrim landscapes with 722 mods installed (371 plugins -252 regular, the rest esl or esps flagged as light).



Well, as Jimmy already knows, I use Vortex and I just tested this mod. Installed with Vortex. No problems, no glitches, no bugs, and no CTD. Nothing wrong in the house and also nothing wrong in the area. Okay I admit I don't have that much mods installed as Jimmy has, but I also have 211 active plugins.

But your idea can be in the right direction. Most of the time a reproduceable CTD in an area is often a texture problem. When I alter such a problem most of the time I delete this mod and download it again. And for me this will do the trick.

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Well I can safely say that the houses location shouldn't be the issue. There were no major markers or anything at the location when I built the house. What is confusing me is that previously I had installed this mod by downloading it from Nexus and installing it with NMM and it worked flawlessly, but now that I've switched to Vortex I get this problem. Could the way Vortex is handling the mods deployment be the issue?

I gave up on Vortex and went back to NMM because the exact same working load order I had in NMM crashed the game on start-up before the Bethesda menus screen with the lot loaded by Vortex. Go figure. Same thing happened with Fallout 4. So, for me it was bye-bye Vortex and am now pleasantly cruising through Skyrim landscapes with 722 mods installed (371 plugins -252 regular, the rest esl or esps flagged as light).



Well, as Jimmy already knows, I use Vortex and I just tested this mod. Installed with Vortex. No problems, no glitches, no bugs, and no CTD. Nothing wrong in the house and also nothing wrong in the area. Okay I admit I don't have that much mods installed as Jimmy has, but I also have 211 active plugins.

But your idea can be in the right direction. Most of the time a reproduceable CTD in an area is often a texture problem. When I alter such a problem most of the time I delete this mod and download it again. And for me this will do the trick.


A texture problem you say? Well I don't know about the people who reported the bugs, but I know I installed some terrain texture mods including majestic mountains. Since this house sits right at the foot of a mountain perhaps there could be some issues there. But you say just re-downloading the mod would generally fix it for you?

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I tested the mod and for me it was good. But yes it is probably a texture bug.

What you can try; Unpack the .bsa to a save directory, zip all the files including the esp, you can name it as you want, drag and drop the zip file to Vortex and install it.

Obvious you uninstall first the "old" mod. Now you installed the same mod with loose files. You have a chance Vortex will point out a problem as there can be 2 versions of a .nif file or a texture file. Then you also have found the culprit. This "previous" file could be a simple flower or a tree which wasn't compatible with the files in the .bsa file. Then the choice is yours to say which file wins.

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I tested the mod and for me it was good. But yes it is probably a texture bug.

What you can try; Unpack the .bsa to a save directory, zip all the files including the esp, you can name it as you want, drag and drop the zip file to Vortex and install it.

Obvious you uninstall first the "old" mod. Now you installed the same mod with loose files. You have a chance Vortex will point out a problem as there can be 2 versions of a .nif file or a texture file. Then you also have found the culprit. This "previous" file could be a simple flower or a tree which wasn't compatible with the files in the .bsa file. Then the choice is yours to say which file wins.

I'm not sure what your referring to with the save directory. Do you mean the folder with the save files?


Also, the .bsa for Mara's Respite contains only scripts, there are no .nifs or textures.

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I only tested the mod, but i deleted it after testing because I don't need it. I didn't knew there is only scripts in the .bsa, so unpacking is not neseccary. By the way a save directory is a folder not in your game or data folder but somewhere else. When I do such thing I put it in my download folder.

There have to be something you have changed in the area. But it could be many things. Environment mods or NPC changes can sometimes do this. I had it once in the area of Miraak's temple. I needed to redownload and reïnstall SMIM. It is indeed a very nasty thing to find.

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Ok, so I went and made a new profile on Vortex. Activated only Mara's Respite, SKSE64, Alternate Start (So my character would spawn closer to the home), Engine fixes, and papyrus util, and I still got crashes just trying to get near the place. First crash was caused by that dragon mound script glitch, second time though I have no idea.

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