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[REQ]Rifts to Fallout stuff


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So after browsing through some rifts books it dawned on me how similar the two games are, both take place in a post apocalyptic area, both have power armor, both have an evil sanction that hates anyone but "true" humans(enclave and the coalition), very dirty and gritty in areas etc.


Well here are some things that I think would add more fun to the game, yes I understand all of you that are actually doing all the work are already working your butts off without even having the CS which is just awesome, but for someone as artistically challenged, code challenged as me wouldn't be able to piece any of this together myself that's why I'm calling out to you the creative community to give insight to these things, there are a million things that could be stuffed into this game and thanks to us being PC users we can, and soon even easier than before.


Firstly, I think there needs to be a chainsaw that isn't a little piece of junk(imho), the ripper/jack looks like it was meant to cut turkey, not power armor or super mutants.


This is a Techno Wizard Chainsaw, it brings terror into anyone's eye as some crazy person is running full tilt at them with it in their hands. I get giddy just looking at it, I don't know about you.


Opinion: Very doable, and who doesn't want a chainsaw with a 4 foot blade?


Next up is the Death Disk


This is one of those "set and forget" weapons, fire it at a target and it doesn't stop cutting their ass until their are dead or it runs out of juice, you can set it to shoot out and attack one enemy or up to 5 and the disks will seek them out through path finding to avoid obstacles and once it's locked on the only way to get away from it is to shoot it down, but being a small target(shooting grenades type of hard), flat, and spinning at high RPM's makes it quite a hard device to get around.


Opinion: Everything except the locking on multiple targets and forgetting, as the only way I can think this would path find is to make a temp NPC, but being the AI in the game is pretty slow, I don't think it would work as advertised


This is just a model replacer


Looks more like something the military would make, as the ones in game look more like wastelanders would cobble together with scrap parts, also with a scope for those "reach out and touch someone" situations


Opinion: Very doable again, as like I said it's just a model replacer


Lastly for now the Juicer harness


Everyone wants to slow down time, EVERYONE, if you have that thing between your legs(some even if you don't), seen the matrix, etc, you know if you could slow down time and become super human you would have fun. This is your answer


Opinion: I think it's actually doable. Slowing down game time is already possible, however getting it so that the player doesn't slow down with the time I'm not 100% sure on, my guess for now it isn't, maybe with the CS it could be. I had a long copy paste on this on another topic about someone wanting to slow down time and they perked my interest in something that would fit Fallout and in my opinion, a drug harness like this created by the Enclave would fit freaking perfectly, and doing it correctly in my opinion would have the game itself determine when you go into juice mode, pressing a button isn't that super human as we are NOT super humans and have the reaction time of a slug, however that nice CPU of yours has a reaction time of well... a juicer, since the juicer harness kicks in by a computer! Also the added strength, hit points, agility, perception, luck, etc is well worth not being able to take it off, yes I said it once you put it on you CANNOT TAKE IT OFF, well you can, but the penalties you wouldn't like, ultrajet withdraw would be like trying to quit picking your nose in comparison.


I'd even be willing to orchestrate this with my site just to move it along if people were willing to help, IE coders, modelers, texture artists, that is of course if this has perked interest. Massive bandwidth(15tb a month) to host the files too. And maybe even turn this into one big ass Rifts mod, who knows, the game is technically limited to the imagination of the players, and of course Bethesda(/siiiigh beth beth beth... coulda, shoulda, but didn't...)

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I was just thinking about something else.


Make it a TC.


Essentially taking something like... Free Quebec, giving it life, npc's, quests, etc. Scrapping DC completely and rebuilding it from the ground up. In that source book there is enough stuff to go on alone to be a huuuuuge game that would dwarf Fallout's original ideas.


Problems that I'm thinking the team would run into;


Where would it be safe to kill people and not have the entire game go balistic on you having every NPC in 4 blocks hunt you down magically?


Spells - The game is oblivion, so I would "assume" it's possible, just would take someone talented to add it


Psionics - same as above


Classes or Occupational Character Class(OCC), granted the game is about free choice, so starting out as just yourself would be fine and dandy, but, you don't just get the ability to master spells in rifts if you lack the PPE to use said magics as the average human starts out with 3D6 PPE and can't use that potential, and of course same goes with Psionics, though it would fit well for being a juicer, man of arms, techno rat, vagabond, etc for the humanoid classes.

Races same as above, but since it is oblivion again, it "was" possible to start out as different races, should be still with some thought and talent.


Vehicles, well again... oblivion had horses, which to a game engine are the same fricking thing, but still, someone would have to delve into code for this


Alignment questing, why beth didn't do this I'll never know, essentially what this is, since I want to have multiple quest paths, like say if you're evil you don't mingle with the good quests to get the "good alignment" ending, not everyone meets up at the same ending crap no matter if you're satan or a saint.


Plausible stuff

Guns, very doable as the game has them already, der


Melee, same as above


New world map, once the "G.E.C.K" is released more than likely?


Glitter boy/girl(MWAHAHAHA MECH/POWERARMOR THING! LOOK IT UP!), seriously, the thing that makes people wet, and is where nightmares come from if your facing off against one. I see it as almost easy to do, as it would only have 1 weapon(AKA BOOM GUN) standing at 10feet some inches, walking death




Additional voice actors(I'm looking at all of you)


Borgs(not the star trek kind, they do not assimilate you, they blow you up into millions of pieces robots with AI, which are already in the game but LAAAAME imho)


Caps to credits(see what I did thar?)


Slower leveling(with more stuff to do this wouldn't be much of an issue too)


More than a hand full of helpers(bars would be a good place to find starter companions, the "better" ones would be in the story and could even be story alignment driven)


Alignment driven campaign, if you're freaking good you go down one path, if you're an evil male without a father you go down another, if you're somehow able to stay neutral, well... that would actually take thought and I'll get back to you on it >.> OR even better yet, multiple path/endings*COUGH* That would take the team sitting down and tossing ideas of course, forum or via vent server.



Anyone have any other thoughts on doable stuff and maybe stuff that I can't think of at this moment? Granted those thoughts would have to come from people that actually played the game to see the problems I'm thinking of, I think...

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I agree, the ideas are what I'm pulling from, though there are "some" things art wise I do like as a good concept design, of course all that would be in the mind or minds of the modelers/art peeps. Since Breaux/Simbieda do not actually have 3d representations of anything they have in book(last I knew at least)
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  • 1 year later...

hes talking about the highwayman i belive ist in the back of book one main near the explorer armor and random survival gear


wow im not sure how to think now that fact i havent played rifts since i was 16 and still remember where stuff is in the books from 15 yrs ago lol yea i didnt enjoy rifts at all did i lol

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