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Post count


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I've not paid that much attention to it but I remember noticing a while ago that my count seemed to have gone DOWN or get stuck and today, since I was so close to 500, I paid attention. I seem to be stuck at 499 despite making three posts after that. I logged out and in again to no avail.


Any clues?





Edit - And of course this post finally gives me the 500 but it doesn't negate the fact that I think there may be some odd fluctuations going on there.


Anybody else?

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I see.


Although that DOESN'T make sense to me. Thanks for the confirmation.




I think its a throwback from the old forum days. There used to be perks for a higher postcount (I'm talking about 5 years ago.) People then started posting all kinds of dumb crap to up their count. In the gaming sections such as Morrowinds, this was easier to control.


However, in the newbies section, people started dropping one word hello's in every thread. Friendly yes, sincere...no. The same things started happening in the lounge, with polls and word games and it sucked for the RP section as people used to post really low quality one liners in the game just to reach post #1000


To discourage this and also encourage more meaningful posts...or rather have people stop worrying so much about the post count, the new system was introduced....which is now an old system. At least, that's what I think I remember. I could be wrong...


I'm so used to it now, I don't even care. I've never really cared about my post count anyway.





Besides, Dark0ne bans people who exceed his post count. :whistling:

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Post counts might actually drop if your posts have been deleted (do not know for sure since I also do not pay attention to that stuff). When I "purged" the Divine Beast Kylin mod, that took the long thread with it which might have dropped quite a few peoples post counts.


Mod pages being deleted (and removing the comment thread) are about the most common place where posts are actually removed and rarely anywhere else.


I do delete posts in common-pinned topics such as the "cannot login" or "forum rules" where questions have been addressed in the 1st post or were not needed for clarification to keep those important posts cleaned up and easy to read quickly.



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Dark0ne bans people who exceed his post count.


This is the truth. ROAR! ;)


big hint to 1 liner posters such as myself hehe



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