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Reinstalled Windows, How Do I Get Vortex To Recognize Installs On Others HDDs?


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I reinstalled windows to see if that would help with some GPU driver issues I was having and would like to know if there's a way to get a new vortex installation to recognize a previous one's managed games/mods. The SSD I use for my windows only stores basic program installations like Discord/Steam/Origin/Etc. and all my game installs, downloads and documents are saved on different drives that haven't been wiped. I can still see my Fallout 4 and Skyrim modded installs and downloaded mods, but can't get vortex to recognize them. Is there a way to get it to do that?

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We've had a major influx of this question lately.

If you reinstalled windows, but didn't back up your appdata\vortex folder, then you wiped out all the info Vortex needs

That appdata folder is something you should back up whenever you reinstall windows any way, because that's where the "app data" for most everything you have installed on your computer is stored.

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Oh well, I guess I'll just use the old mod folder as a reference to redownload/install everything.



If you already have the mod archives downloaded, just move them to the new Vortex download folder.


You said your Mods were downloaded to a different drive, so you must still have them.

Then, when the archives show up in the MOD tab of vortex, do CTRL + A to select all the mods and click GUESS IDS, to redownload all the Mod INFO.



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