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Removing a cell edit that conflicts with another mod

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Make sure that you remove anything that is referenced by something else before you delete the cell edits. In other words, if you have for example something that a script enables, remove it from the script and remove the reference first. If you made a door, remove the door first so that it gets properly removed from both the exterior cell that conflicts and the interior cell that references it.


Once everything that is externally referenced is deleted, then you can just delete that cell in the mod using FNVEdit.

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I would just tell the other author they need to remove their offending content.

Cuz the old need to make way for the new ... hehe jokin ... but how very mod community friendly of you :wink:


Honestly I was just looking for a reason to post in order to congratulate madmongo on 999 posts.


Holy cow you really keep your posts to a NEED to explain something ... not much superfluous content out of you ?!? Seeing how your account is 11 years old.

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In one of my quest mods, I made a bunch of edits to one of the abandoned apartment buildings outside Westside. Turns out, it conflicts with another mod, The North Road. Is it possible to simply delete the offending edits using FNVEdit without breaking anything in the process?

Problem's been sorted out. Thanks. (Replied to my own post like a derp, ignore that)

Edited by PineappleSurprise
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Honestly I was just looking for a reason to post in order to congratulate madmongo on 999 posts.


Holy cow you really keep your posts to a NEED to explain something ... not much superfluous content out of you ?!? Seeing how your account is 11 years old.

Yeah, I'm not exactly a chatterbox. :smile:

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