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Why no text parsers in roleplaying games


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Even many years ago in one of the old Zork games you could talk to the NPCs by actually typing your questions or making requests and they would respond to you depending on what you said. None of this click a selection from a list stuff. Why can't they include this in current role playing games? I really liked having to think of the right questions or requests to get the response or actions I needed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The coding required for it would be complex for a modern game and it would require voice acting to either be cut, possible questions to be very limited or expanded to potentially a hundred or more response lines for a single character to account for any possible question- which is going to massively increase how much HDD space the game eats up.

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Those kinds of text boxes in older games also tended to be VERY specific as to what were valid entries at any given time. Even with a list of acceptable verbs, at any given time you could have thousands of potential things to try when stuck... With some of those things actually preventing you from being able to continue. It basically made the game have too many possible solutions where most of those solutions did absolutely nothing but take your time and frustrate you.

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  • 1 month later...

Never mind that most games are international now. How would it recognise proper english spelling?

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