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DLC and Mods


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Hi all. Just curious about something I've noticed lately. Why doesn't the mod community add things from DLC to the vanilla game?


I have skyrim for both the 360 and PC and I always buy the DLC asap when it hits the console but I usually don't on PC due to two things; 1. I already bought it on 360 and 2. I have tons of mods on the PC to keep me busy and improve the game. Console doesn't have that option so DLC is the only way to change it up after so long.


What am I getting at? Well, an example would be crossbows. Why hasn't anyone added crossbows to the vanilla game? Can't the modding community find the files in the DLC and just build their own mod off of that and then make a crossbow for vanilla that is nearly the same as the DLC?


I see dragon bone weapons added, water walking (upcoming DLC), and other types of things. Why not?


NOTE: I'm just curious, I've looked and couldn't find anything so I just figured I'd ask.


Thanks for taking the time to read my post and answering my question. :smile:

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There are a lot of crossbow mods on nexus, you just have to search them.

Hearthfire themed houses also appeared lately, and there are mods that add adoptable children. There is also a mod that adds Hearthfire items to the vanilla world.

There are all kinds of mods related to DLC material. As I said, you just have to search.

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While the "ideas" and concepts from DLCs can always be "reproduced", putting actual "contents", as in meshes, textures, sounds, etc. from a DLC into the Vanilla game without it "requiring" the DLC to be installed, is highly illegal, similar to piracy of DLC content.


To the example of crossbows, all of those mods "require" the Dawnguard DLC to work.

The whole crossbow system is already provided by this DLC, adding your own crossbows to it using this system is much easier than recreating an own crossbow system from scratch.

While it could be done, most authors likely don't see any need for it, while DG already provides all they need.


and the 4 random examples above:

- requires Hearthfire

- requires Dawnguard

- requires Dawnguard

- requires Dawnguard

so all of them are fine and legal.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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While the "ideas" and concepts from DLCs can always be "reproduced", putting actual "contents", as in meshes, textures, sounds, etc. from a DLC into the Vanilla game without it "requiring" the DLC to be installed, is highly illegal, similar to piracy of DLC content.


To the example of crossbows, all of those mods "require" the Dawnguard DLC to work.

The whole crossbow system is already provided by this DLC, adding your own crossbows to it using this system is much easier than recreating an own crossbow system from scratch.

While it could be done, most authors likely don't see any need for it, while DG already provides all they need.


and the 4 random examples above:

- requires Hearthfire

- requires Dawnguard

- requires Dawnguard

- requires Dawnguard

so all of them are fine and legal.


This is the answer I was looking for. I was wondering if there was some legal issues involved.



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On other two nexus sites there is a tag that says, for example : ''Requires Broken steel'' (FO3) or ''Requires Old World Blues'' (FO;NW)

I don't see any reason to not include those tags here. A crossbow mod should have a ''Requires Dawnguard'' tag on it, and we should be able to use tag specific search, much like on the other two mentioned nexus sites.

I don't know why it's not already like that.

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On other two nexus sites there is a tag that says, for example : ''Requires Broken steel'' (FO3) or ''Requires Old World Blues'' (FO;NW)

I don't see any reason to not include those tags here. A crossbow mod should have a ''Requires Dawnguard'' tag on it, and we should be able to use tag specific search, much like on the other two mentioned nexus sites.

I don't know why it's not already like that.



I totally agree with this!


The tag would help eliminate the mistaken download of a mod thought to be for the vanilla game but when installed crashes the game when started.

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