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Fallout 4 mods order and MCM problem


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Thx guys - problem solved, it turns out that in some way Vortex sucks at installing F4SE and it just put this in like normal mod in data section and not in main folder, that is why i had problems with :smile:

Thank u very much for answers and help :smile:



It has to do with the way F4SE is zipped up.

It's folders are zipped up inside a TOP folder, which makes any mod manager install it incorrectly.

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You'll want to setup F4SE_loader as a tool, (though it should do that automatically, least it did for me) in the screenshot I post you'll see add tool on the bottom right. Click that and browse to the F4SE_Loader.exe. If you are lucky, you should see it already in the list like mine (it's orange highlighted one in the screen shot).


If it's in the list, you can click on the 3 little dots and then select 'Make Primary' and the when you launch Fallout 4 it will always start it through F4se_Loader.exe.


To answer your question, if F4se is launched through Vortex, yes mods will work. If you are launching from the actual Fallout 4 folder, then no they wont.






Actually ONCE the mods are installed with Vortex, you can start F4SE right from a desktop shortcut, or the Game Folder, Vortex does NOT need to be running for Mods to work.

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