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Can't move the workbench or siren switch on Spectacle Island

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Title says it all. When I try to move the workbench and the switch that activates the siren on Spectacle Island it will reflect those changes in the CK, but once I load the game they're both still right where they are in the vanilla game. I can move all the other things on the island, like the shack that the workbench is in and the siren, but not the workbench itself or the switch. What needs to be done to move them? I just want to put them down by the boat with the generator in it so they're out of the way and I have a clear area to build stuff on top of that hill.

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Position of Activators (and Doors) gets baked into the save.


Try from a clean save. You can also use place anywhere to move them in-game.


If you want to force position change from a mod, you can change the object's formID in FO4Edit. But that's not advisable for the red workshop, as it will create problems with the settlement system.

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Be aware that moving a red workSHOP after it is registered with WorkshopParent can trash that settlement resource production and assignment scripts (locations no longer line up) and also be subject to cell reset.

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Use Move That Workbench to safely move a workbench to anywhere you'd like.


With a mod like Place Anywhere (or console means) you can also move the WorkBench, but there's risks involved when placing the bench too far from its original location, like beds and food no longer being recognised as belonging to the settlement, or the Settlement Index in the PipBoy no longer connecting a WorkBench to its settlement and changing the settlement's name into 'Commonwealth' with the result the supply lines get screwed-up and settlers can no longer be sent to the affected settlement.


With the Move That Workbench mod you don't have any negative consequences when moving the bench.



Crappernicus. I misread the original post and thought his was about moving the WorkBench in the regular game, not in the CK. Apologies.

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