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Reposition axes & hammers right side up on the back


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for years now (since Fable) it's bugged me how games have people wear heavy hammers and axes on their backs. actually i did some research and on the rare occasions when a warrior did carry a hammer or large axe on his back, it was turned the other way. with the heavy head of the weapon up around the shoulders. makes sense as the swaying of the weapon turned the way it is in game, would be like a pendulum when walking/running and make it near impossible to function. plus there's no realistic way you could even sheath the things the way they do in game. how ya gonna slip a huge hammer head thru a lil sheath? and of course the weight of the head would make the weapon just slip out to the floor.

what i was able to find was not much. old engravings, couple LARP players and weapon experts. but basically it seems a harness was rigged around the chest with a hard leather, metal or wooden sleeve that the handle would slip through. with the metal head resting on top of that sleeve and gravity holding it in place. sorta like this...
hey, it's gotta be correct if Gimli did it! tho the ones i saw were more centered on the back, with the weapon straight up & down rather than at an angle.

i realize there'd probably be no correct animation (til someone made one!) for un/sheathing but better a short moment of wtf rather than hours staring at gravity defying goofiness on your back lol. i'm sure the AWESOME hammers and axes in you mods deserve this! i bet there'd be a lot of desire for it. thanks!

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do you know what program i'd use if you do then i could do it (probably)

i know just about nothing of this stuff, or i'd have tried it lol. but i talked to a couple people and they thought Nifscope would work. i, and others i would think, would be very grateful if someone could make this work. as it is i don't even use hammers & axes anymore.

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Well, i guess you have to reposition/rotate the weapon's bone in each skeleton so NifSkope might work.


sorry to ask but do you know which files i would need to edit?


I think http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26800 offers something for that.

Or well, maybe not.

But at least this:


Has bone edit kit which should be pretty good for what you planned.


However, I have no idea how equipping animation would work.

Maybe make new animations with the toolset I first linked? But that might be hard to do.

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thanks all for the info! really hope you can get something working Stuart. hell, almost anything would be better than the disregard for the laws of physics we have now. as long as they were turned the other way i'd be ecstatic. as for animations, yes it'd be great to have some, but there's some really great mods out there that do this sorta thing but don't have added anims. Armed to the Teeth, Dual shields and weapons on back, ect. i'm using DSPSOB right now and it places some one handers on the back, and daggers on ankle (that might be from the skeleton i use), but they still use the original anims. so my pc reaches for her sword at the hip but it come off her back. same w/ daggers. so yeah it'd be great to eventually get correct anims. XP32 just made some anims to grab a dagger from the back.
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Well, was never interested in doing something like that so my knowledge is limited but meshes\Actors\Character\Character Assets\skeleton.nif would be my first guess when it comes to the humanoid version. The female skeleton is in Character Assets Female.


And when you open a race in CK (Like NordRace, OrcRace...), under BODY DATA you see the path to the skeleton this race uses.

Edited by ghosu
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