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Faulty Update 1-1-1-15


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When I tried to "update and Install" from Vortex site, got this message. Same message from new automatic install and Manual-destination install.


"This file does not have an app associated with it for performing this action. Please install an app, or if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Apps Settings page."


Vortex worked fine yesterday. However, in the past 2 days, I also had trouble using Vortex to install v. 7.6 of FNIS. Finally just reinstalled v.7.51 again, works fine. FNIS issue was "denied access to files D:/.../...etc. with the looping Abort-Retry-Give Permission popup. I suspect my Windows 10 secret updates are to blame for these issues. I have not changed any settings in Windows.

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Thank you, HadToRegister and rmm200. I have (re)installed 1.1.14 and it seems to load and work.


1. I tried the update over the old one at first, then separate DL auto install, then manual install. Both had .exe files, but would not execute.

2. Controlled Access folder is off--unless Windows turned it back on, I'll have to check-- because I put everything except Windows on my D drive.


Thank you both! Kudos

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