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Vortex load order is wrong


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I spent some time installing mods. It's very quick but the load order is completely wrong. I opened up mergeplugins.exe and it confirmed the order I was seeing.


I created a separate profile and just enabled a few mods, I linked them so the rulles all said this mod must load before this other mod and created a chain.


This is the load order Vortex thinks is acceptable


# Automatically generated by Vortex
[sunJeong] Sexy Night Gown.esp
Emfy Cleric Robes.esp
[Zynx][NH] Mini Skirts.esp
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HadToRegister.....thats an impressive amount of Mods for BannerLord. :cool:

Slowly, I've figured out how to use Vortex, but one thing is eluding me which is how to get 'Mod Order' done by Vortex.

Here's a couple screens of what I'm seeing after trying to use Vortex's Sort Mods Utility. I have been following Vortex's requests. After installing mods it asks to activate mods with Launcher which I do. Make sure there all turned on. Then 'Deploy' Mods. Mods won't be listed in the Load Order Tab without Deploying them inside the Mod Tab.

Then Move down to the Load Order Tab. There its a few steps. Auto Sort....Re-Deploy Mods.

This is what I see after using Auto Sort



Then checking the Luancher (Launching from Vortex) I see the bottom screen Capture.



whats going on here?

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