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How did Lydia die in your game?


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I want to know how Lydia died in all of your games. I am actually not sure how she did in mine. I was in one of the Nord ruins, looking for a word wall, and any treasure I would find, and all of a sudden a door shut. I assumed Lydia was on the other side of the door, and would join me once I defeated the enemies in the room, and got everthing I came for. I was wrong. I did not tell her to wait, I when the door opened I left, assuming she was with me, and went to Whiterun. I got to the blacksmith to sell a bunch of weapons I found, and make a quick few hundred gold, and I noticed she was not there with me. I went back to the ruins, and after about an hour of searching, I found her dead outside the room with the word wall. I have no idea how she died, since we had killed all of the enemies up to that point.
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Killed her dead every time, except for my current play-through, when I just disabled her from the console. I don't use followers, and I don't appreciate how she just moves into my home without asking for permission. Hey, you asked.
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Most recent was when she was murdered by Balgruuf when I was taking Whiterun for the Stromcloaks.

Funny thing is she was not my follower and I'd never used her leaving her in Dragonsreach as I never owned Breezehome. When me, Onmund, and the Stormcloaks got inside Dragonsreach she came running out from wherever and attacked Balgruuf. He killed her in 3 hits lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

well i have to say my Lydia is too powerful to die :whistling: yeah ... i gave her the best armor and weapon i had and now she can't be killed :biggrin: i usually don't take any follower with me because they will ruin everything while i want to sneak or be silent :wallbash: but when i wanna fight falmers i'll definitely take her with me without fear of her gets killed :)


but before i personally killed her , i was targeting a bandit with my bow in sneak mode and ready to shot him and when i released the arrow she suddenly came in the middle of me and that bandit and ... the arrow hit her neck and she ... died and i had toi load a save game again :tongue:

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I only played with her once, Since then I stopped using followers period.

I still remember though:


We were on a bridge, perilously close to falling off the bridge, into the infinite depth below, jagged rock dotted the cliffs to the side. We were fighting Hagravens at that time. Two of them, well I would say that I was fighting the Hagraves while she ran back and forth over the bridge, suffice to say - I managed to kill the Hags, then as Lydia got particularly close to the bridge, a "mistaken" *hint, hint* Fus Roh Dah left my lips headed in her direction. xD

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Lydia? Die? Never. 7 different characters and not once have i continued with a dead follower. They die, i reload and do better. Even on my hardcore game (no re-loading) she (and every other follower) stays back from danger and functions more as a packmule than an extra sword.


Except that bald dude in Solitude... I always sacrifice him to Boethia.

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Every time without fail, she would die in Smugglers Den in the watery passage leading up to the Alikr. She'd just get in the way of my arrows or any mass effects I might try to use...


Now, I don't use followers. They just get in the way.


That's where she died for me, usually stepping in front of me as I swung my sword.

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