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Can't download any mods...


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Hi there.


I have uninstalled NMM after many years of not playing skyrim and noticing that NMM was not obsolete. I have downloaded Vortex and gone online to see if I have set it up right, not much needed to be done to set it up.


I have gone to begin downloading some mods for Skyrim but keep running into the same error;



I've used this interface which is supposed to fix the issue, but it says there is nothing to fix.



I am left unable to download any mods which is quite frustrating.


Some info that you requested;

Which version of Vortex are you on?

I am on the latest as of today, I believe it to be 1.1.15


What game are you trying to mod with vortex?

Skyrim enhanced edition


Which mods have you got installed?

None because it won't let me


What environment are you running vortex on?

Windows 64 bit


Any help would be appreciated!!


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What browser are you using?


Try turning OFF the Handle NXM links.


Close Vortex


Start Vortex


Turn ON Handle NXM Links.


Close Vortex


Start Vortex


Try using the Download with Manager link


Sometimes it takes as couple of tries to get the Handle NXM link s to Stick, also FireFox can hijack the NXM stuff too


It would seem I tried everything but the one thing I didn't try.


This fixed it, thank you very much!

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