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Plugins not Working (Mods do)


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When I enable Mod in Vortex for Fallout 4, it works. However if I just drop mod as a plugin in to Fallout 4 Data folder and then enable it in Vortex as a plugin, it won't work. What's going on? Using last version of Vortex.


Vortex Mods:





Vortex Plugins:





In the game, mods that were loaded only as a plugins are disabled:



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Ok, did some more testing and it might not be problem with Vortex (plugins and mods stuff).


If I take working mod ...for example SurvivalDamageFix from screenshot above (it's an old mod that I did years ago) and edit it in the Creation Kit, it will stop working. Nor are any new mods that I create in the Creation Kit.


Any idea what's going on?

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When I enable Mod in Vortex for Fallout 4, it works. However if I just drop mod as a plugin in to Fallout 4 Data folder and then enable it in Vortex as a plugin, it won't work. What's going on? Using last version of Vortex.


In the game, mods that were loaded only as a plugins are disabled:




You're doing it completely backwards.

You don't put a plugin in the data folder and then expect Vortex to automatically manage it.


You're supposed to INSTALL the Plugin using Vortex.

What's happening is it's not getting written to the plugins.txt or loadorder.txt


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OK, found the problem, sorry for bothering all of you. Problem was in the fact that I have not updated my Fallout 4 (for fear that my old mods will not work) but Creation Kit got update and apparently last version of the Creation Kit does not like older Fallout 4 versions. After updating Fallout 4 to the last version everything is working. Now I need to find out if all my old mods are compatible with the last Fallout 4 version. Oh well. But at last everything runs again and I can mod.

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You're doing it completely backwards.

You don't put a plugin in the data folder and then expect Vortex to automatically manage it.


You're supposed to INSTALL the Plugin using Vortex.

What's happening is it's not getting written to the plugins.txt or loadorder.txt




Backwards or not, this allows me to mod without worrying about several instances of my files and without updating my mod in Vertex constantly. It's more convenient that way.

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