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Plugins enabled, meshes error in game


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EDIT: If I'm supposed to post in the Morrowind forum, could my post be transfered there on the following link? https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/7-morrowind-technical-support/




I'm currently on Vortex 1.1.15, modding for Morrowind, on Windows 10. The mod sating path is on the same drive as my game.


1. ''Unofficial code patch'' (not sure if it works because there is no plugin for this one)

2. ''Speed and stamina'' (works, even though when I boot the game I get a message saying some master files are missing (not telling which master files) ).

3. ''Better bodies'' (required for better armor)

4. ''Better armor''


So for mods #3 and #4, when I load a game, I get a message saying ''Model load error...meshes/bam/a_orcish_pauldrons.nif''. Characters with modifies meshes are covered in yellow polygons.


I'd really appreciate some help here :-)


Here's my plugin tab:



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The problem is Better Armor.
I use Better Bodies and don't have an issue with it.

According to your post the game can't find a_orcish_pauldrons.nif


The mod indeed contains orcish pauldrons, as loose files, so either the file didn't get installed, or it's in the wrong place.

Most likely the mod isn't installed correctly because mods for old games like Morrowind weren't packed uniformly because there weren't mod managers around at that time, so for games like Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, you're going to have to extract and Repackage the mod to work properly.

From the looks of it, Vortex has extracted the files to a folder called "Complete Armor Joints" with a sub folder inside it called DATA

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