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Anybody else concerned about Dec 21, 2012?


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By the way, the Y2K bug DID happen, but only in PS3s. In 2008(I think) a clock malfunction related to leap-years caused the systems to glitch spectacularly until a patch was released to correct it, meaning no PSN for anyone for a whole day! :ohdear:


There have been about 300 doomsdays before I was even born, I've lived through 1/1/1, 2/2/2, 3/3/3/, 4/4/4, 5/5/5, 6/6/6, 7/7/7, 8/8/8, 9/9/9, 10/10/10, 11/11/11(which ROCKED!) and now 12/12/12(the original postulated date for "2012") and with the exception of 11/11/11 nothing interesting ever occured on those days. It will take a lot more than a few jibbering doomsayers to bring about the apocalypse, and even then I've got my bottle of counter-apocalypitic BBQ Sauce(which expires in 2013, so screw your apocalypse) to defend me even should that happen. That notwithstanding I doubt, as an Australian, that the apocalypse would have much success in our wonderful nation; aussies are far, far too lazy at this time of year, due to the holidays and the heat, to be much bothered by anything or even DO anything. I think the national response would be "Apocalypse? I'll do it tommorow, it's too hot today"


I have an aweful feeling 21/12/12 is the greatest prank in human recorded history. If the Mayans were here today, they'd probably be snickering their asses off at us.

Edited by Vindekarr
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My boss had a prediction that everyone who believed in the 21 doomsday started spending money because they had nothing to lose, but later on finding out that it never happened and they are all broke, while he's laughing to the bank.. I kind of agree with him..


In fact hes looking forward to it http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif

Edited by Thor.
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Hehehehehehehehehe to all the crazy preppers ....


UPDATE ......................


Alright so my dad and brother have just come over for a quick hello ... hmmm, nothing like some quality family time and

a bottle of 30yr old Glenfiddich ... can the end of the world please wait until tomorrow 12 GMT after my hangover wears

off ... thanks a stack and cheers.

Edited by Nintii
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