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my opinions on CoD Black Ops 2


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ok so let me start off my saying, im not a big online shooter. actually im not big into anything PvP in any game. also, this is for Ps3 (for all you PC Elitists saying that right there is my problem, let me say, if i do play a shooter, i enjoy it on console. controller is easier for me to control then a mouse. its just preference. ive been a console gamer longer then a PC gamer)


the only other FPS shooter ive played is Bad Company 2 (not including games like Borderlands or Resistance) ive never touched another CoD. honestly i always thought they were crap. but some friends at work wanted me to get it. i always said IF i was ever going to get a CoD game it would be just so i could play with my friends. my best friend Loves CoD. with all the talk of how CoD changed with Blops 2, it was enough to convince me to go out and buy it.


As with any game i always play the campaign first. both to get used to the game, and because i like campaigns (refer to me not being an online competitive type player). the Campaign was actually very well done imo. from what ive heard even for CoD its pretty good. there is reply value in it. choices matter. the gameplay was fun. the Characters were alright. a decent length (again, esp good for a CoD title) overall a good fun campaign worthy of another play through, though in itself, not worth $60.


so i finally went online with my friends from work the other day. it was pretty fun, my first venture online into a CoD game. ive since played a little bit by myself, and as i suspected, the game sucks when im not playing with friends with a Mic. ive barely played, only lvl 11, and im already hating it. yes i suck, i can easily go something like 5/15. idrc about my K/D. idc about dieing or sucking. but the game to me is just a crappy game. i knew going in it was a twich shooter (some argue Battlefield is too, but its nowhere near like this) ever map i played on was small. bunch of corridors, bunch of doorways. campers werent as bad as i thought they were going to be, but it seems like every door i go through there is either someone on the other side with crosshairs pointed at it waiting, or a bouncing betty/shock charge in the doorway. most of my deaths in any given match come from BBs or with Shock Charges. i just cant have fun when every corner i sprint around or walk around i gotta be ready for someone. its just such a small space there is always someone. there is no real strategy to it. there is no real skill in it. i didnt feel like i was underpowered because of perks (except those BBs). i really didnt feel in my short time stuff was overpowered (even BBs werent over powered, they are just a lame weapon in general and over used) i was never killed across map with a shot gun or anything. no one was spamming rockets (just BBs lol) i just wasnt accustomed to twich shooting. shooting before someone else. in BC2 (and BF3 i assume) even if someone sees you first, you have a chance to turn around on him, run behind cover, escape, or still win the battle with some well placed shots (chest vs feet or something) not so in CoD. ofc head shots are more dmg, but i feel like chest and arms and feet are all the same. many a time ive seen people kill me by hitting my feet while im hitting their chest. all i think about when i play CoD is how much it sucks compared to BC2. they are so completely different games.


so yea. idk. part of me wants to keep it, give another go or two for the campaign (trophy prostitute here lol) and save it for just playing with friends. the thing is, my Best Friend whom i mentioned earlier, went off into the Army. so the one person i would have loved to play with most, isnt available to play with and wont be for quite some time at least not until the next CoD comes out anyways. the two friends i have from work that play, dont play as much as i expected them to. one of them works morning while i work night, so he goes to bed earlier then me. meaning hes not on for long or at all when i am. the other is still in school, so he goes to bed earlyish too for school. so im unsure what i want to do with Blops 2 at this point. i kind of wanna trade it in and finally get BF3. actually i think BF3 is under $40, and a new game like CoD where i trade it in, is worth $40, so i might even be able to get BF3 basically for free (not counting the fact i paid $60 for CoD) then again i might keep it and just buy BF3 and have both. all i know is that while i was playing CoD, it made me really wanna get BF3 lol.

Edited by hoofhearted4
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went ahead and bought BF3. for the moment ill key Blops 2. if i continue to enjoy it while playing with friends, then i guess itll be worth having. i dont however plan on playing by myself much, save for the campaign and maybe the few random online ventures i make,
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dont really care about Zombies. watched some gameplay and it doesnt look appealing to me. on top of that, none of the friends i mentioned play Zombies at all, so i probably wont do much with Zombies.
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