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Staff on Back mod


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I see this request pop up in what seems like every few days. I don't know what it would take do it myself, but there are enough people talking about it that someone just might be working on it (if it isn't done already) Be patient, look around, and remember that its just a stick on your back. :D


Edit: Good link Jaradin! I didn't know if DSpSoB did it or not, since I never played a staff - wielding mage myself.

Edited by Dudeman325
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Dual Sheath plus Shield on Back (DSpSoB): http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17746


Includes staves placed on the character's back like two handed weapons. Be sure to download the custom skeleton referred on the main page and follow all instructions. It's not a seamless mod, but it's pretty damned awesome in my opinion.


Hope that helps.

Edited by Jaradin
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