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Rewriting managed game directory?


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So I am having some problems activating Divinity Original Sin 2 DE in my Vortex directory to enable it for modding. I recently reinstalled the game through GOG Games Galaxy because I wanted to start playing again. When I originally played the game I had to manually instal it because no matter what I did I kept recieving errors when downloading through GOG Galaxy but this time it went smooth and seemless. The problem I think that is occuring is that Vortex is still trying to find the game files through my orignal MANUAL file location rather than the one used by GOG Galaxy. I went to set the directory manually but when I still try to activate the game on the dashboard it still only gives me an Error : Failed to set game mode - Missing: "my orignal file location before using GOG Galaxy".


Edit: I am able to open the game file when looking at the game on my dashboard, but not the Mod folder location. I think this may either be another issue or may be linked to the fact that the activation is not accepting the file location, and is trying to use the orignal one I had even though that one was completely uninstalled.

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In the dashboard, click on the 3 vertical dots, in the little box that has the games "play" button, then click edit, then set the
TARGET and START IN, by navigating to the new folder and hit SAVE


TARGET should include the game EXE

START IN should just be the game folder

(Example using Skyrim SE)

TARGET - D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\SkyrimSE.exe

START IN - D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition

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The only 3 vertical dots I have on my dashboard are the three up beside my profile picture. The only options given to me are: "Send Feedback" , "Diagnostics Files" , "About". The game only appears in the Games section with my option to activate it, not in the dashboard. But like in the original post it won't let me.

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I see the three dots you are talking about next to the play button when I activate another game that isn't Divinity 2 Original Sin Definitive Edition, but because I can't activate Divinity 2 etc. I can't get a profile tab to view the game. It rejects it because it is still trying to find the original folder where I manually downloaded the game before uninstalling and reinstalling through GOG Galaxy client.

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I see the three dots you are talking about next to the play button when I activate another game that isn't Divinity 2 Original Sin Definitive Edition, but because I can't activate Divinity 2 etc. I can't get a profile tab to view the game. It rejects it because it is still trying to find the original folder where I manually downloaded the game before uninstalling and reinstalling through GOG Galaxy client.



GAMES----->MANAGED---->Click the + sign in the Game Thumbnail, pick "Manually Set Location", navigate to the game FOLDER, click SELECT or SELECT FOLDER (or w/e the button says), then click APPLY

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