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Obama: Worst president in the last 100 years


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The Taliban see weakness and exploit it. Things would have turned out differently with a leader in the Whitehouse.


What could have been different with another President in office? If you can't answer this then I don't think you really thought this out much.


The real issue why Biden is being blamed now is because the Trump administration left Biden a no-win situation. Biden simply followed up on the agreement Trump left behind for the next administration. If Biden didn't follow up on the agreement that Trump made with the Taliban we most likely would have started another war. Biden had made the calculated decision to uphold Trump's agreement with the Taliban knowing full well that this would hit him politically and possibly made out to be the fall guy.


If Trump was still in office he most likely wouldn't have done much better because he would have had to break his own deal that he made in order to prevent the Taliban from taking over and then yet again be in another war. It was foolish for Trump to ever negotiate anything with the Taliban without having the actual Afghan government have any say in the matter.


No Administration could have prevented what is happening now without breaking the deal Trump initially made with the Taliban. If you think I am wrong, I dare you to try to make a good enough argument to convivence me otherwise.

Edited by colourwheel
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You're right on one point, dugout Doug was fired for Korea. What I get from remembering history studies from half a century past and not double checking my memory.

As for the rest, I am now convinced that any new of different perspective or information will be wasted, because this is an emotional argument, and not a intellectual discussion, as MrJoseCuervo so adequately demonstrates. I shall waste no more time here.

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The Taliban see weakness and exploit it. Things would have turned out differently with a leader in the Whitehouse.


What could have been different with another President in office? If you can't answer this then I don't think you really thought this out much.


The real issue why Biden is being blamed now is because the Trump administration left Biden a no-win situation. Biden simply followed up on the agreement Trump left behind for the next administration. If Biden didn't follow up on the agreement that Trump made with the Taliban we most likely would have started another war. Biden had made the calculated decision to uphold Trump's agreement with the Taliban knowing full well that this would hit him politically and possibly made out to be the fall guy.


If Trump was still in office he most likely wouldn't have done much better because he would have had to break his own deal that he made in order to prevent the Taliban from taking over and then yet again be in another war. It was foolish for Trump to ever negotiate anything with the Taliban without having the actual Afghan government have any say in the matter.


No Administration could have prevented what is happening now without breaking the deal Trump initially made with the Taliban. If you think I am wrong, I dare you to try to make a good enough argument to convivence me otherwise.

You're right on one point, dugout Doug was fired for Korea. What I get from remembering history studies from half a century past and not double checking my memory.


As for the rest, I am now convinced that any new of different perspective or information will be wasted, because this is an emotional argument, and not a intellectual discussion, as MrJoseCuervo so adequately demonstrates. I shall waste no more time here.



Trumps nature of being unpredictable and willing to use MOAB, the most powerful non nuclear weapon we have have, at the minimum would have allowed for an orderly exit. The wolves come when they sense weakness. And if there is one thing O'Biden is, is weak.

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The Taliban see weakness and exploit it. Things would have turned out differently with a leader in the Whitehouse.

What could have been different with another President in office? If you can't answer this then I don't think you really thought this out much.

Trumps nature of being unpredictable and willing to use MOAB, the most powerful non nuclear weapon we have have, at the minimum would have allowed for an orderly exit. The wolves come when they sense weakness.



You do realize by throwing bombs on Afghanistan would essentially bring us to fighting another war. This is such a ridiculous thing to ever conceive of doing and would worsen things in Afghanistan. You would have a humanitarian crisis way beyond what Biden has done. The moment Trump made any Agreement with the Taliban without even giving the Afghan government any say was basically signaling for the country to eventually be over thrown.


Essentially by your reply you don't even care about Afghanistan. Anyone suggesting to just bomb it makes me wonder why they even care what Biden has done there.

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I'm all for GTFO, what I am suggesting is that Trump would have been able to get people out in an orderly fashion as well as securing the assets we left behind.


Since no one respects or fears the senile old coot in our Whitehouse, they moved in knowing that they would not be engaged.

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I'm all for GTFO, what I am suggesting is that Trump would have been able to get people out in an orderly fashion as well as securing the assets we left behind.


If Trump had a good record of doing things in an orderly fashion he would probably still be President which he is not. Trump is far from being orderly. This exactly why he is no longer President and why the American people elected Biden. But thankyou again for such a good laugh.


Might remind you what you previously said in an earlier post... "Trumps nature of being unpredictable".

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Yes. His unpredictable nature would have been an asset in this situation. It's what helped him destroy 2 political dynasties and any hope for a large group of politicians from reaching higher office positions.


I realize TDS keeps you from thinking anything positive about the man but it doesn't change the facts.

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Biden made the decision to pull out of Afghanistan, WITHOUT letting the afghanis know we were leaving. (though it likely didn't take them long to figure out what was happening.) Therefore, HE is responsible for the consequences of that decision.


Though, in all reality, it wouldn't really matter who made the decision, the results would have been exactly the same. The war in afghanistan was a lost cause right from the beginning.


And I agree, the US should get out of the business of nation building. We obviously suck at it.

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