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Can't get Premium membership?

Go to solution Solved by DavidtheDuke,

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I don't know if this the right forum, but i tried to get premium membership 1 month. At first I clicked GEt STarted Now and got:



Oops! Something went wrong!



You must select at least one package to purchase

Need Help?


So I went into the forum Invoices and tried to get the 1 month there and got this:



Oops! Something went wrong!

This invoice contains items you have already purchased which cannot be purchased again. Please contact an administrator for assistance.


Does this mean I can no longer buy a 1 month and have to do a 6 month or more one? I had it a few years ago I believe. thanks

Oops! Something went wrong!

You must select at least one package to purchase

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Please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page to contact an administrator and get help. A random user on the forums isn't going to be able to help you with this issue. :)

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Please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page to contact an administrator and get help. A random user on the forums isn't going to be able to help you with this issue. :smile:


Thanks Jannifer, but it does appear the solution is below this time actually.


Can't buy 1 month premium ... the workaround is found in Goggelmuggel's post found here.


This did work for me. In fact for me it was a tad different, after I did the 6 month and then didn't confirm payment, there was a Renewal of the 1 month policy option that was .50 gbp less. I picked that and it worked, as I see the premium tag in on nexus now.


Thanks guys!

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