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MOD Install to Game or Docs Folder ?


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Does Vortex auto determine which location to install a Mod ?

If Not, how do I know which folder to install it to ?


IF Mods had a Color Code, like Green for Game Folder, Yellow for Doc Folder,

and Red for other, It would really help with this problem.


Thanks for any Help given here.

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To add to HadToRegister's comments about downloads and staging folders, it's worth saying that where mods are actually installed to is dependent on the game.


Each game's support (builtin or extension) will control where exactly mods are installed to, but depending on your deployment method, these are usually just links.

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Sorry I was not Clear, as I was not talking about Vortex folders.


I was asking about Game X-4 Foundations V3.0 :

Installing MODS to Either the Game Root Extension Folder,

OR to the User Game DOC Folder.


How to know which, When there is no Install info with the MOD ?

I also noticed some Mods Came up Red Flagged in the Game's Extension Tab,

even when placed where the Mod info said, but the Flag went away when moved to the Other location.


Also a Idea to make this Easy, Would be to have a color Code to show which.

Say Green for Game Root, Yellow for User Doc, and Red for Other.


I just Installed about 50 Mods, using the Install one at a time to the Game Folder, then run the Game, No Problem, go to next mod.

If Problem, reinstall to Doc Folder, then No Problem, on to the Next.

Only had 1 Mod that did not work in Either location, put on the shelf for later. (Dead Air Gate Overhaul)


At this point, I don't know if the Mods will work in the Game, But Time will tell.


Win 7 x64 SP1

AMD FX-8370 8 core 4Ghz

16 GB Ram


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Sorry I was not Clear, as I was not talking about Vortex folders.


I was asking about Game X-4 Foundations V3.0 :

Installing MODS to Either the Game Root Extension Folder,

OR to the User Game DOC Folder.


How to know which, When there is no Install info with the MOD ?

I also noticed some Mods Came up Red Flagged in the Game's Extension Tab,

even when placed where the Mod info said, but the Flag went away when moved to the Other location.


Also a Idea to make this Easy, Would be to have a color Code to show which.

Say Green for Game Root, Yellow for User Doc, and Red for Other.


I just Installed about 50 Mods, using the Install one at a time to the Game Folder, then run the Game, No Problem, go to next mod.

If Problem, reinstall to Doc Folder, then No Problem, on to the Next.

Only had 1 Mod that did not work in Either location, put on the shelf for later. (Dead Air Gate Overhaul)


At this point, I don't know if the Mods will work in the Game, But Time will tell.


Win 7 x64 SP1

AMD FX-8370 8 core 4Ghz

16 GB Ram





It's the job of the Mod Manager to put the mod in the correct folder.

All you need to do is click INSTALL


The only time that might not work is if the Mod Author zipped up the mod incorrectly and added a top folder to the zip

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Did I mention that I was using Vortex to install the Mods,

and I let Vortex do it's thing First, and only after seeing the MOD in red letters, and not working, after running the Game,

Did I use Vortex to reinstall into the Other location, after which I checked to see if the MOD was on or still red letter OFF.


After installing, I had to eyeball each MOD to see if it was on or off in the Running Game.

Some MODs caused the Game to Hang or Crash, until they were moved to the DOC folder location,

after which they showed ok and on in the Game extensions tab.

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