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Help with a texture for a new-ish mesh


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Alexscorpion was working on an idea of mine that I told him and he made a beutiful modification of an existing in game flamer model, but there seems to be a problem with the textures that he is having problems working out. He can try to fix, but when he tries to open the game it CTDs. I've tried the flamer in mine and it's fine, but the textures just aren't working right.


There is an odd zig zag shadow that appears on the new flamer tank and the filament that ignites the accelerant as it leaves the nozzle doesn't glow unless the lighting is just right.





Please tell me someone can help us with this.


Mesh and textures are inside this file:


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problem with your glow map maybe. there did not seem to be anything wrong with the mesh.


however im not quite sure what you have done with the first nif


Originally I just removed the backpack from the flamer, after that I presented the idea to Alex with a chop shop photo of an incinerator from Aliens, turning the fuel tank 90 degrees, putting the rear grip on the top and adding a forward grip. He liked it and added a separate fuel tank to the side of the flamer, though I have next to no modeling skills so don't know how he did it.


So is it the glow map causing the zig zag shadow on the fuel tank? What about the dropped/NPC wielded flamers with the sideways textures?

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Looks like a smoothing group problem.


Take the mesh element in question (the cylindrical tank part) and clear its smoothing groups, then click AUTO and it should be fixed, then re-export it.

(or instead of AUTO try just hitting the [1] in the smoothing groups window, once all the polygons on that element are selected then cleared.)


PS. Smoothing groups is a section of the Sub-Object level on your mesh, (In Max anyways) It appears on the far right hand side of your screen in 3d studio max once you have your mesh selected, and 'polygon' or 'element' sub-object mode selected.

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