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Vortex Hard Drive Usage


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I JUST finally switched over to VORTEX yesterday and after three hours got Skyrim up and running and all that. So that is good. But, I don't know if it's just me, but when I have VORTEX up and it's "thinking" Or doing stuff, my hard drives are freaking out. Like, I can hear them across the room. Nothing else seems to max out and stress my disks like this program does. Does anyone else have this problem?? Because the level of activity I have on my hard drives, (even just LOADING Vortex up makes my disks freak out for a few minutes) seems unnatural. My drives are standard 2TB. No SSD's.


Any thoughts? I searched and don't see any other posts on this. Like I'm half afraid Vortex is going to fry one of my drives.


Cheers all!

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Guest deleted34304850

vortex wont fry your drives, natual usage will do that for you.

you may want to run some health checks on your drives and look at their fragmentation ratio

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