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[REQ] How to unregister ModOrganizer in Firefox as nxm handler?


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How do I unregister ModOrganizer as the default vortex download link handler in Firefox?
In Chrome, I have the Vortex plugin and it works fine.

I've looked through the Windows Protocols, and removed the nxm entry.

I went to the settings in Vortex and toggled the swtich to make it the default handler. I also tried running Vortex as admin and doing the same thing.


ModOrganizer still launches when I try to use the download link in FIrefox.


Any other suggestions to try would be appreciated.




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Shut down Chrome.
Turn this switch on in Vortex, along with the FIX NOW button for Chrome
Shut Vortex.

Open Vortex, turn these switches OFF in Vortex

Shut Vortex.

Open Vortex, turn these Switches on again.

Sometimes it takes a couple of tries to get the Vortex settings to stick when you let another program 'takeover' the nxm link handling.





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