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Mods Won't Enable In Vortex or In Game


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A few mods I am trying to install won't enable in game or in vortex. Specifically Unofficial Patch and the Settlement Menu Manager. I just made the jump from Xbox One and decided to use the Vortex (after trying to use the NMM) and have encountered this problem. A few other mods as well won't enable.

If I install them and enable them with Vortex or Mod Organizer 2 or Nexus Mod Manager the mod installs fine and deploys fine with Vortex, but in game it is disabled. I can't find anything in the console commands to say it is working or anything either. Also, if I install the same mod using the mod menu in the Fallout Game it does the same thing. Enabling from the mod menu in game also does not work, it just loads back and it's still disabled. Unfortunately looking over the internet no one seems to be having the exact same kind of problem? I am unsure of what to do now. Any help would be very much appreciated!

Note: Have re-installed everything multiple times as well.


Apologies if this isn't in the right place or anything, I haven't used a forum since I was a pre-teen on samp.

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