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Animation Bug?


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I recently came back to Skyrim, loaded up a few new mods (none of which affected models except the FNIS update), and started playing. Unfortunately, now everyone in the game is stuck in the default position. ramrod straight, arms slightly away from the sides, etc. I can move, attack, jump, and cast spells, but no animation plays. I'm sure this is a relatively easy fix, as I've had something similar happen, but it wasn't quite so severe, and all of my animation modifications are up to date. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I was told it was because of the missing file mt_behavior.hkx, and I was wondering if it was possible to get that file easily, or I have to do something drastic.

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If you are missing a file, you can easily get it by using the verify game files on Steam. (just right-click on the game title in your library, then click on properties, you see the option for verify game cache in the window that pops up.

Just be aware that the process will likely reset your prefs.ini file to default, so if you have made customizations to that file, you may want to make a backup copy of that, so you can easily copy/paste your preferred settings.

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