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Data Tab Like MO2?


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Is there a way to view the files in the Data folder like you can in Mod Organizer? I have some missing textures throughout my Skyrim game, and I found some posts online that go through how to find the specific texture for an object, and how you can go to the Data tab in MO2 and view the file and see which mod is loading it in. I used Vortex to install all my mods, so if I try using MO2, all the mods just say <Unmanaged> and I can't see which mod is loading each file. Can I do this with Vortex?


EDIT: So I realized I can just go into my mods staging folder and search for the texture files there to see which mods are loading them in. I've found the files for one of the messed up textures, but I don't understand how to fix it. There are three separate mods that have their own textures for this one object. I know which one I want to use, but when I go to its conflict rules, there's nothing regarding the other two mods, so I don't know how to make the game use that one.


More specifically, the texture missing is WoodWalkway01. I found that three mods, Enhanced Textures (UV-Tweaks), A. Noble Skyrim, and Holds SSE Modular, all have their own versions of that texture. I want to use the one from Holds, but when I look at its conflict rules, there's nothing regarding that texture.




As you can see, there's no mention of A. Noble Skyrim anywhere, and there's only two conflicting files with Enhanced Textures Detail. If I look at the conflicting files, however, neither of them are WoodWalkway01, so I don't understand what's preventing Holds from loading in its texture. It's set to load after the other texture mod, so what gives?

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