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Vortex update failed to boot to Skyrim.


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After the update, Skyrim failed to initialize/start, so I deleted all my mods removed Vortex and uninstalled my Skyrim (LE), I then reinstalled the updated version of Vortex and reinstalled Skyrim but all the previous mods are showing up in my Data folder in Skyrim and no mods are showing in Vortex as I haven't installed them.


How do I get a clean my Skyrim now and start new, without mods that shouldn't be there?

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After the update, Skyrim failed to initialize/start, so I deleted all my mods removed Vortex and uninstalled my Skyrim (LE), I then reinstalled the updated version of Vortex and reinstalled Skyrim but all the previous mods are showing up in my Data folder in Skyrim and no mods are showing in Vortex as I haven't installed them.


How do I get a clean my Skyrim now and start new, without mods that shouldn't be there?


WHy did you do all that?


All you had to do was PURGE your mods, reinstall Vortex, and then DEPLOY your mods again


The reason you have all those mods showing up in your game folder is because you uninstalled Vortex without Purging or uninstalling all the mods.


Now, you're going to have to manually delete your Skyrim SE directory and have Steam reverify the files, or redownload and install it.


That was like killing a mosquito with a sledgehammer

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Sorry, I just don't know all this stuff. It's gotten way too complicated. I've been having so much trouble with this dang game that I'm about to chuck it all down the drain. and go back to Dragons Dogma. Delete this, delete that, do it in a certain sequence, and now I have to understand why and how to purge something when all I want to do is play game?


I apologize for my rant, but if you have any idea how many times I've deleted, removed and reinstalled...., and how long I've been struggling with this in order to play again? Why does it have to be so complicated?


This is on LE btw, not SE. although there probably isn't much difference.


"Now, you're going to have to manually delete your Skyrim SE directory and have Steam reverify the files, or redownload and install it."


So how do I go about doing this the "proper" way and the precise sequence and order? So, in order to have a "clean" frame to start from without having to wipe/reformat my entire drive to blank state, can you link me to a page or list what I need to do now?


And thank you for being patient with me and putting up with my rant. Lol! I still have to figure out how to install and ENB.


One of the problems that I'm running into is that there are so many varying instructions and videos out (and most of them are outdated or plow through so fast you can't follow) and this is why my installs have gotten so messy. In fact I tried to follow this instruction for SKSE https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Tool_Setup:_Script_Extenders because I wasn't able to access the game through the loader anymore, which had been working just prior to the update.


So, I really don't know how to make it work or set it right and how do I go about doing this the "proper" way?

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Sorry, I just don't know all this stuff. It's gotten way too complicated. I've been having so much trouble with this dang game that I'm about to chuck it all down the drain. and go back to Dragons Dogma. Delete this, delete that, do it in a certain sequence, and now I have to understand why and how to purge something when all I want to do is play game?


I apologize for my rant, but if you have any idea how many times I've deleted, removed and reinstalled...., and how long I've been struggling with this in order to play again? Why does it have to be so complicated?


This is on LE btw, not SE. although there probably isn't much difference.


"Now, you're going to have to manually delete your Skyrim SE directory and have Steam reverify the files, or redownload and install it."


So how do I go about doing this the "proper" way and the precise sequence and order? So, in order to have a "clean" frame to start from without having to wipe/reformat my entire drive to blank state, can you link me to a page or list what I need to do now?


And thank you for being patient with me and putting up with my rant. Lol! I still have to figure out how to install and ENB.


One of the problems that I'm running into is that there are so many varying instructions and videos out (and most of them are outdated or plow through so fast you can't follow) and this is why my installs have gotten so messy. In fact I tried to follow this instruction for SKSE https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Tool_Setup:_Script_Extenders because I wasn't able to access the game through the loader anymore, which had been working just prior to the update.


So, I really don't know how to make it work or set it right and how do I go about doing this the "proper" way?



Install SKyrim LE


Install Vortex, have Vortex find SKyrim LE.


Make sure your Mod Staging folder is on the same drive as Skyrim LE


Download SKSE for Skyrim LE


Open the 7z file and READ the Installation Instructions, follow them to the letter


Download some mods FOR LE that you want, with Vortex, click INSTALL, ENABLE, then DEPLOY




Don't mess with ENB, not right now



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Thanx, but how do I uninstall all of this, so it doesn't mess with any new install?



At this point, yes


Lol! Yes? On how to uninstall correctly? Reformat my drive? You said above that I did it wrong, what I'm asking is how to do it right?


You said, in an above post, "Now, you're going to have to manually delete your Skyrim SE directory and have Steam reverify the files, or redownload and install it."


But in there, you also said I needed to "purge" the mods? So evidently I didn't do this and messed up some of the previous uninstalls, which in turn messed up any new installs. This brings me to my present situation on having a very messed up game that doesn't work.. And...., how to fix it by correctly uninstalling everything.

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