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Determining which mod spawned an object


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So one of the mods I have installed (I'm not sure which one, which is the problem) is spawning deathclaws on top of me at random intervals. It shows the message "You sense you're being hunted" in the notifications. Problem is, I haven't been able to find this message anywhere in FO4Edit or via the console. If I could determine the name of the variable, I could figure out which mod is doing this and try to fix it. But I can't, and I don't even know where to start with that, so I figured the next best course of action would be to look at the deathclaw itself via the console and see which esps are changing it. Well, turns out, it's just a standard deathclaw, so it's only being affected by mods that affect ALL deathclaws, rather the mod spawning the deathclaw.


Tl;Dr: How do I figure out where these freakin' deathclaws are coming from?! There's got to be some way to figure out what script called the "spawn a deathclaw" function and trace that back to which esp called that script, right? Right?! Am I crazy here in thinking that HAS to be a thing the devs needed at some point?

Edited by Twiner
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