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Cannot Install Vortex


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I have run into an issue with installing Vortex. Originally, I was running the previous version and on closedown decided to update to the latest version, whatever it did to install the latest version corrupted the version I was using because I received an error message stating:


Error opening file for writing:

C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\Uninstall Vortex.exe

Click Abort to stop the installation,
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file.

Clicking Abort keeps the files in the folder that are already there but freezes the installation which I have to manually end.

Clicking Retry simply brings the same error message back up again.

So I have no choice but to proceed without the Uninstall file.


The Uninstall Vortex file is there in the folder, however, I am dubious it will actually do its job now.


Then I get another error message:


C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\BlackTree Gaming Ltd\Vortex.lnk
This file does not have an app associated with it for performing this action. Please install an app or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Apps Settings page.

Going to the program files I can find no icon for Vortex, nor will Vortex open if I double-click the EXE file to open it.


I really need help as I am just totally lost.

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