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A Stupid conversation


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Got this idea when I recently read a new topic on creating a sex appeal mod for Fallout 3.

It was an on the spur of the moment thing so it isn't very polished or bright but I had a laugh,

maybe you would too ... who knows.

It takes place between a travelling merchant and our precious from Vault 101.



Hiya sweetheart, you got any sweetrolls ?

Uh huh, got 10 in stock.

How much ?

Well lemme see ... um, it's gonna cost you 100 rounds of 10mm ammo.

Don't have 100 rounds of 10mm, only 45 rounds.

Well then how's about a kiss - tongue kind - plus your 45 10mm rounds.

Nah, don't know you that well, but I'll let you spank me 3 times plus my rounds.


Hmmm no, you see your bum is a bit flat so maybe if you’d Showracemenu and then remade your

character then sure, I’d love to spank you ... besides your sex appeal isnt that high, now maybe if it

was around let's say 50 then yes, but at the moment it’s a “No”.

My sex appeal is low, what a nerve.


It is what it is babe, but like I’ve said you’re a bit skinny and your sex appeal is only 43 ... come back

when you level up.

You dont seem to get it I REALLY want those sweetrolls.

No ... YOU don't seem TO GET IT, I want a frenchy, no, now make it 2 for making me repeat myself.

For crying out loud give a girl a break dude !


Ok smart ass make it three.

Spanks ?

No, kisses you bimbo !

Ok, ok, let's not fight ... how about I trade you this BOS power armor it's still in pretty good nick, well

kinda anyhow and my 45 10mm rounds ?

Listen bimbette, you see that tree over there ?

Which one, the one next the bridge ?


No the one further along by th... how's your LOD setting for tree's ?

About half.

Well push it to max.

Ok, just a moment ... Esc. Video ... scrolling, scrolling, tree LOD to max ... there done, Esc. ...ok done, now what ?

Now do see that tree way over the hill next to that Dish ?

The Dish near the Enclave base ?

Yeah that’s the one ... you see it ?

Uh huh.


Well if you can make it there and back in an hour I'll give you ALL my sweetrolls ... plus, now wait for it

darlin, plussss, this handy new portable sweetroll maker including a years supply of triple refined

moon-sugar ... now what ya think of that huh ?

Moon-sugar ? ... that's from Skyrim, this is Fallout 3 Capital Wasteland, you fruit loop !

Oops sorry, well ok then, a years supply of RadX, how's that ?


Yeah now we're talkin but there's no way in hell I'm gonna make it there and back in an hour.

I'd have to save game then Load to a previous game go to that spot and then come back to you,

but that would mean that we would never even had this conversation.

Now you’re catching on sweetheart ... so accept my terms or else we never even had this conversation and

then you can bugger off.

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Well if you can make it there and back in an hour I'll give you ALL my sweetrolls ... plus, now wait for it

darlin, plussss, this handy new portable sweetroll maker including a years supply of triple refined

moon-sugar ... now what ya think of that huh ?

Sounds like the best quest reward of all time.

she made it


Thanks, very enjoying read, Nintii.

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Great idea! Very interesting that characters can talk as if aware of the game itself. The 'slapping' sounded interesting. :thumbsup:
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