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MMO Etiquette?


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Tried playing an mmo for the first time a few days ago and, damn, I was getting threatened and killed almost immediately! I turned chat off since I don't have a mic and I was just there to get a feel for the game. Should I have at least said "hey" or something? I'm not butt-hurt or anything since I know it's just like that, but, why do the mods just let it go?

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My theory ... the Lowest Common Denominator effect.


There are valid reasons that Striker will only play single player or LAN.


Single player I can cuss myself out all I want and the only one who cares is the same guy doing the cussing (a bit of a "Fight Club" type situation ... trust me, it doesn't happen or if it does it passes very very quickly).


If you are that lowest common denominator type and you are sitting anywhere close me at a LAN you will know what I think of you and what you need to change to climb out of the cesspool.


The bunny hoppers, spamming demomen and snipers were the final straws for me back in the Team Fortress Classic days, and nothing has changed in any direction that could persuade me that things have changed in any vector other than for the worse.

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Most gaming communities are total cesspools and filled with people espousing horrible things because of the anonymity. They're the worst they can be because that's the only place they can be without repercussions. Not just MMO's but most multiplayer games are the same. It's just the way it is. Either keep the chat permanently off or find the game's profanity filter (if it has one).

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