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Upgrading my graphic card need some help


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Im currently using a HD 4850 512ram and im thinking of upgrading to a GTX 460 SE 1gig&my motherboard can only use pci express 2.0 and not 2.1. I can buy the card for 100 bucks brand new right now and i was wondering if i get a bang out of my buck for it and if its a much better upgrade and thanks Edited by Lawlacaust
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My XFX Radeon HD 6850 (1GB) works a treat, and I think my PCI-E slot is a 2.0. Highly recommend this card, great performance and it's affordable.


Seconded. I think I paid about 150 for mine, but, that's been a little while ago. Runs skyrim just fine. :)

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Hmm the gtx 460 or a HD 6850 the price range is the same on both and they seem to do about the same...so my final question on the matter is what one runs cooler?


That all depends on which maker as each card will have a different cooling system installed.

An example:

This Card has 2 big fans installed and may run cooler (but no reviews so I have no idea) than lets say This card

For the 6850, I second (triple?) the others and recommend the XFX 6850HD (I haven't owned it, I have a 670, but I've heard nothing but good of that card)


I would stay away from the 460, most of the cards have bad reviews everywhere...


Back to the question, though, more fans on the card doesn't mean cooler, keep that in mind. If your case has good air flow and runs cool, the card shouldn't get too hot either.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Indeed, I've had absolutely no problems with my 6850 and even though my processor is hopeless (and I'm using max RAM that my OS will allow), I can run the game at mid/high settings at a constant 60FPS or more, except for the well-known lag in Markarth and the forests in the Rift, which can't really be helped, and I use a few hi-res textures. Edited by Guest
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  • 4 weeks later...
I went ahead and got me the MSI 6870 Twin Frozr II Radeon HD 6870 1GB GDDR5 not a bad price of 120usd with free shipping! http://www.ebay.com/itm/300855622584?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 oh and a side note i found that 2.1 is backwards compatiable with 2.0 and that really 2.1 if only for when 3.0 comes out Edited by Lawlacaust
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