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255+ plugins. Marking Mods Lite in Vortex will fix?

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I've seen some mixed information while searching the internet. Some people say that using Vortex to mark a plugin as lite will not count towards the 255 plugin limit... is this true?


For example; let's say I have 260 plugins and mark 5 as lite... will that bring me to the 255 limit? Or, is the internet just full of silly information?


Thank you :)

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Very happy to hear that. Last question, is it okay to mark every plugin lite if it has the option to be a lite plugin??? For example; Vortex says 86 of my plugins could be lite... could I make all 86 lite with zero consequences?


EDIT: I noticed in the upper right corner of the plugins tab it shows "Active: 216 Lite: 44"


^^I guess this means some mods already come as 'lite'?

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Very happy to hear that. Last question, is it okay to mark every plugin lite if it has the option to be a lite plugin??? For example; Vortex says 86 of my plugins could be lite... could I make all 86 lite with zero consequences?


EDIT: I noticed in the upper right corner of the plugins tab it shows "Active: 216 Lite: 44"


^^I guess this means some mods already come as 'lite'?



I have 120 marked Light

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