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Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir

jojo man

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Well, like a grade A lemon I bought it the day it was released. God, I'm an idiot. Was anyone else utterly let down by it? For those of you looking for a little information on the subject: Wiki Article.
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I had my eye on this, but having experienced the living mass of bugs that was NWN2, I've held off. Of course not everyone had my negative experiences with the game, but I was hoping the expansion might give me a reason to reinstall (bug fixes and all). So it's a bit disappointing to hear you were let down by it already!


If I may ask, what's so bad about it?

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I had my eye on this, but having experienced the living mass of bugs that was NWN2, I've held off. Of course not everyone had my negative experiences with the game, but I was hoping the expansion might give me a reason to reinstall (bug fixes and all). So it's a bit disappointing to hear you were let down by it already!


If I may ask, what's so bad about it?

A number of things. Completely uninteresting characters, plot is bland, performs just as poorly as the rest of the Neverwinter Knights 2 stuff, etc, etc, etc. One thing I can say good things about though is the substitute for fast travel. Now you use what's called an 'Overhead Map' to get from place to place. It's like a small 2D-ish representation of the world and you walk your party from place to place. You can avoid obstacles, get into fights, and pursue special opportunities by manuvering your party around or into them.

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i was thinking of buying it but since NWN 2 has the odd bug now and again it really doesnt help it...i still play the older NWN then NWN 2


but i did enjoy the mask of the betrayer and i might enjoy this if there wasn't so many bugs with it...



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  • 4 weeks later...

First bad decision of the new year.


I decided to pick up the thing just because. Although I have neither finished the main game or Mask, I'm sure I'll play it all at some point in a kind of grand trilogy. Or at least I thought so until I found out I'd bought an empty box. :blink:


Disappointing for sure~


Happy holiday, Christmas/Kwanza w/e, and New Year's, btw

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking of opening this thread but looks like you beat me to it :D


Ok I differ from you, I liked the game... Eventhough The AI is horrible, giving me nightmares, headaches and broken fingers, I liked the game... First of all I have to say the music is awesome, I just cant go out of the taverns when I get in, the battle music and the rest is just brilliant... They have done a terrific job...


The story is going slow for a while but I hope it will get interesting, I hope they got rid of the classic betrayel of the closest friend... like the paladin chick in NWN1... the graphics are great again, I dont know if they did some tinkering with the engine cause it now runs smooth, I didnt change my rig but NWN 2 was running a bit slow, but now it is running well (I kinda upgraded my vid card drivers too :D)


The trade thing is... interesting to say the least, I didnt dig much into it but I guess I will tinker with it more... But seeing Crossroad Keep an Khelgar is a joy :D also that blabbermouth sorcerer I guess, we used to give quests to do :D...


The monsters and Battles are hard, I really suffer big time, since I dont have a wizard, I only created a rogue... I am trying to find a wizard NPC...


All in all, if you want to try it out, rent it first... Sorry sounded like a review but that is what I think about the game...


The interesting thing is, I didnt like MoB that much... It felt depressive and it was exremely tough, I reloaded 5 or 6 times for combats... I dont like power play that much, never did in pen and paper too, so I find it extremely difficult...

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  • 2 weeks later...

listen as being a fanatic of the neverwinter nights series I will say I have NEVER run into bugs. NEVER. so you guys are either all doing something wrong or im not doing what your doing. or im just a lucky male without a father.


I will say this about storm of the Zehir.


I didnt like it too much. it was okay


you get to make your own party...THATS FANTASTIC!!!! I men really great. story was a little enh. but honestly I cant play NWN campaghin so I quit at some point. I need to play online. so im not going to focus on campaghin.


I hated some of the things it came with though. I mean the new races were good. but no new hair? only 3 new classes? I like the retextures of somethings but god...couldnt they put a little more content I didnt like the prestigeclass with the grim reaper thought it was dumb. hellfire warlock looks cool swashbuckler...I like it. I wish they added more things like drunken master, brawler, hagspawn as a race, a lot of things from the complete warrior books, I would hate it if they had anything from book of the nine, and a few more things. I mean it was a nice little addon but comeon...not worth the expansion I had hoped for. Yuanti pureblood was a nice race, so was gray orc, I wish there was some better feats, I like the feat "Day Light Adaption" (its abotu f**cking time...)


overall 7/10 but only cause I love neverwinter and DND otherwise 6/10

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