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First of all, thanks very much for your help on this, and adding the codes. I was able to get rid of the wisp mother and flame antronach trail by using your codes.


The final thing afflicting me was just aggravating, it was a black smoke that was coming up from my feet and my torso, much like all of the death hound and necro effects added together. None of those codes worked, but then I came to your post that said

In console, type "help abilities 4".
Use [PAGE Up] and [PAGE Down] keys to scroll through the list.
Look for abilities that are not from vanilla or DLC (look at the first two digits of the ID. The numbers will usually be larger than 04 if you have all DLCs and no additional esm files, for example).
Try adding/removing the non-vanilla or non-DLC abilities (first 2 digits of the ID > 04).

This is what I needed to do, so I did (it returned A Lot of effects), and I wrote down several codes to which it could be, especially the wraith-like effects.


It turned out to be 06060AB7

06 for me is SkyMoMod, and it was some wraith effect.

Cleared it right up!

So I guess the code is


where xx is whatever SkyMoMod is in your load order.


This was a horrible wafting black smoke coming up into my screen in first person making it very very hard to see anything, then it would clear a bit, and then come up again. It was emitting much like death hound and necro black smokes, from my waist and feet both at the same time. It seems there were other people on this thread that were experiencing similar problems, so maybe this is the answer to their problem. I hope I can help others as you have helped me, thanks again!!




Edited by djskagnetti
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I've seen this effect referenced in a few posts in this thread but have not seen a picture yet or a difinitive answer on which speen it is.

The little green orb just orbits around the characters feet. Its not any of the spriggan effects as if have tried all of those.


Does anybody have any ideas?



Edited by ChibiAlien
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Can anyone please tell me what this is?

I've tried the Sovngarde glow fix and the generic one, but I can't find any abilities that seem to be the culprit.

I only noticed this today when entering Halls of Dovahndor to craft, but it could well have been there since I left SOlstheim, as it's not so visible in first person unless you look at the floor.

There are 4 likely culprits: Dragonborn, Halls of Dovahndor (which seems unlikely if it's not the Sovngarde glow, I've also had the mod a good while) or Amazing Follower Tweaks (again, seems unlikely, but it's the last mod I installed) or some potion ingerdients maybe?

I don't use magic and it's definitely none of my equipment. It persists through a save/reload and waiting. I've attached a pic of the effect. It's not just the visible glow, there's sparklies too when I move.


EDIT: The glowing 'dome' goes away when using beast form, but the sparklies remain. Upon reverting to human the glow returns.

EDIT2: Using the console command to change sex and then back again helped the issue! The radioactive aura is gone, though I still have a faint glow and the sparklies remain - see the 2nd pic. I'm posting this up for anyone else with the same issue, incase there isn't a fix for it at the moment.The effect comes back after a reload though.


http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_images/underground/attachicon.gif2013-04-05_00001.jpg http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_images/underground/attachicon.gif2013-04-06_00001.jpg


I have this same effect as you could see a couple pages ago. What it COULD be is the teleport aura from halls of dovahndor as I also had that mod.

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The bugfix_wispactor file link appears broken.

I cannot remove the wispmother effect. I tried all the matching spellIDs in this thread. Anyone have any ideas? :(


I've fixed the link. Not sure how it got corrupted.

Btw, there was also working "attachments" link at the end of the post :ohdear:

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It turned out to be 06060AB7

06 for me is SkyMoMod, and it was some wraith effect.

Cleared it right up!

So I guess the code is


where xx is whatever SkyMoMod is in your load order.


Glad you figured it out!


Unfortunately it's not practical to document all the effects that can be added by other mods, there are simply too many mods out there. I've mainly only documented the vanilla game and DLCs here.

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I caught a green glow with bubbles rising up out of it - unfortunately the bubbles don't show up in the screen captures... anyone know which spell/effect it is? It doesn't seem to be close wounds - it looks an effect from when you drink a potion

Try DLC1AbMothpriestThrallFX1: 2004599

Hey thanks for that advice - only got to try it now, but it didn't work.


Anyone have any ideas? Again it looks like what happens when you drink an ultimate healing potion


Is there a way to try this trick with potions instead of spells? What would the command be to remove a potion effect?


Here are more photos - it doesn't really show in the screenshots but there are little green bubble floating up from me at all times, like a healing spell:







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