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So I've got one I haven't noticed mentioned that might fall into this kinda stuff.

I don't have any screenshots of it, so bear with me for the description:

You know the way the world colours change when you use the Become Etheral shout? How everything gets a bluish glow? Well, that happens at random times to me, and wears after a random amount of time, or after I leave the area it happened. Not only that, Ghosts bug out on me as well. While they actually look like ghosts (i.e. they are transparent and glowing) they are also intangeable and invulnerable. However, when they attack, they keep the whispy aura, and loose the transparency. They look like a normal mob, but have a smoky arua about them. When THAT happens, they become vulnerable to attack. As far as I know, thats not an ingame feature, and I have NO mods installed that change ghosts in any way. The previous bug I mentioned where the world takes on the Become Etheral look also tends to proc a lot when I'm around ghosts.


Any ideas? I'm not a modder, nor am I really savy with Papyrus or the creation kit. Basically, if it can fly, I can fix it. but when it comes down to PC's and whatever obscure rituals you guys do to fix 'em, I'm about as useful as fake tits on a zombie. So when it comes to figuring this kinda thing out, I'll need a link to some instructions to get you what you might need.

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I've got this Werewolf Fear Howl 1, annoying red aura, that won't go away.





The annoying part is that I found the id (tought I did), but it says "Invalid spell item '000cf796' for parameter spell item."


That was the id btw: 000CF796

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Anyone know the code for the body fx for the ash guardian? (NOT ashspawn) Looks like this: http://s191.beta.photobucket.com/user/arielnoelbusjahn/media/ScreenShot2.png.html


tried usung this code, which in earlier comment said was spell ID for my effect, but the console said the compiled script was not saved. xx027bfb


Okay, it worked, I was just being impatient when it didn't instantly dissapear, for me the xx was 04.

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I have a "smoke around character" issue that I can't resolve.

The only add-on installed is Dragonborn

Any ideas?





EDIT: it was the ashspawn DX effect, xx02c29c. I just had to replace xx by 05 (don't know why but it"s working ...)

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I have the same issue as Skyrimnub. Had blue Draugr eyes, had them replaced by the red glwoing eyes. Not as pronounced, though. Any ideas?


I have this exact same issue. Draugr effects removed only to be left with red glow only dimmer. I tried adding and removing the NECRO EFFECTS VANILLA as that was the only one here that seemed to add a red glow. It didn't work.



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